Authors: Šafr, Jiří
The author address two associated issues concerning culture consumption and stratification: hypothesis social classes in the Czech Republic are intensively associated with distinct lifestyles and social sources of cultural omnivorousness. In the introductory part cultural consump...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
Číslo bulletinu Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum, které se vám nyní dostává do rukou, shrnuje několik na první pohled spíše různorodých témat. Tato témata spojuje problematika rovných příležitostí žen a mužů v souvislosti se vstupem České republiky do Evropské uni...
Jiří Šafr: Social Standing and Lifestyle in Czech Society
The main objective of this department is the systematic research of values and attitudes, their continuity and changes, and their relationship to the way in which people behave. The department’s research aim is founded on the assumption that deeply rooted human values and attitud...
Head of department: Mgr. Klára Plecitá, Ph.D.
Authors: Vojtíšková, Kateřina a kol.
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources...
Authors: Klenner, Christina, Hašková, Hana
In diesem Kapitel befassen wir uns mit den ökonomischen, politischen und kulturellen Faktoren die Berufstätigkeit der tschechischen und ostdeutschen Mütter beeinflussen. Wir konzentrieren uns an die Faktoren, die bis jetzt nur selten untersucht waren - Bedingungen zur Kombination...
Authors: Machonin, Pavel, Jan Červenka, Lumír Gatnar, Pavel Kuchař, Karel Müller, Milan Tuček
The paper, which is based on statistical and sociological data, recounts development and changes in the Czech Republic during the period of post-communist transformation.
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The study builds on empirical data on gender roles and their changes in Czech society during last ten years. It points on gender stereotypes in the family and on the labour market prevalent in the society. It also analyses changes of gender roles during the family cycle. 
Projekt má za cíl vybudování národního uzlu evropské infrastruktury ESS v České republice a realizaci páté, šesté a sedmé vlny výzkumných šetření, které jsou centrální činností ESS. Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., stál u zrodu projektu ESS v roce 2001. Od té doby se podílel na...
Project duration: 2010 to 2015
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The article reviews cultural and structural explanations of low fertility in Central and Eastern Europe. Then it answers the following questions: What factors have influenced decisions on (not) entering parenthood in the Czec...
Authors: Šustrová, Klára, Šimon, Martin
Changing life-style patterns in urban and rural environment has been a perennial topic in social science research. The differences between urban and rural gained different meaning and different significance today then they has had during industrial urbanization characterized with...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka, Daniel Čermák, Petr Sunega
This chapter consists of the theoretical description of common approaches used by analysis of housing careers in studies of foreign researchers. The approaches based on the concepts of the life cycle, life course and housing consumption are explained. With the use of the data fro...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
Study is based on the sociology of family, the sociology of work and the sociology of organisation and management, combining these fields from the perspective of the sociology of gender. It focuses on the motivations for going into business, the structure of company management, f...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The paper analyses changes in timing, patterns and motives of Czech pre-1989 and post-1989 mothers´ return to employment. 
Authors: Poláková, Markéta
The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources...
Authors: Hamplová, Dana (ed.), Jana Chaloupková, Eva Soukupová, Petr Sunega, Kryštof Zeman
The book concentrates on the non-marital fertility in the Czech Republic since 1989. After the description of demographic development, chapters ask following questions. What are attitudes towards out-of-wedlock childbearing? To what extend live unmarried mothers alone? What is th...
Authors: Hašková, Hana, Formánková, Lenka
Authors: Večerník, Jiří (ed.)
The study aims to analytically interlink the optics of individuals and households and focus on their demographic and socio-economic behaviour since 1989 in the Czech Republic, and compare these observations with other EU countries, primarily those of Central Eastern Europe (CEE)....
Authors: Hašková, Hana
Based on the analysis of 30 childless men and 38 childless women older than 30 years of age the author analyzes the norms on parenthood. 
Authors: Maříková, Hana
Chapter deals with fundamental institutional measures making possible the harmonization of work and family responsibilities. It is focused on the observance of these measures (or violate of them) in the different types of organizations and companies. Emploees´ requirements...
