29. December 2013
Post-doctoral position in stellar astrophysics
A new post-doctoral position is opening at the Institute in the Stellar Physics Department with the topic of transfer of polarized radiation in stellar atmospheres.
16. December 2013
Post-doctoral position in stellar astrophysics
A new post-doctoral position is openning at the Institute in the Stellar Physics Department with the topic of structure and dynamics of disks and winds of massive stars.
10. October 2013
Post-doctoral position in the Solar Department
We announce a competition for a post-doctoral research fellow position in solar physics available from Januray 2014.
5. September 2013
Post-doctoral position in the Department of Galaxies and Planetary Systems
We announce a competition for a post-doctoral position in the Department of Galaxies and Planetary Systems, in the working group of relativistic astrophysics. The research will mainly include modelling of relativistic signatures in the X-ray spectra of accreting black holes.
11. March 2013
Postdoctoral Position at the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
invites applications for a post-doctoral position in astronomy and
astrophysics. Candidates must hold PhD degree in the field and present a
certificate by the date of employment.
26. January 2012
Post-doctoral position in the Stellar Department
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Stellar
Department. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Adela Kawka and
Dr. Stephane Vennes on the spectral energy distribution of white dwarf and
hot subdwarf stars. The applicant should have experience with
observations, data reduction and data analysis of infrared, optical and/or
ultraviolet data and have good programming skills.
4. October 2011
Postdoctoral Position at the Astronomical Institute 2012
The Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. opens temporary postdoctoral position for the year 2012. The applicant is expected to have an experience in one of the fields studied at the Astronomical Institute (see below) and to be holding a PhD at the time of arrival.
24. January 2011
Post-doctoral position in B[e] star research
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Stellar
Physics Department of the Astronomical Institute. The successful applicant
will work with Dr. Michaela Kraus on the disks and winds of B[e] stars.