Completed project

Work – Life Balance from the Perspective of Gender Relations and Social and Employer Policies in the Czech Republic

Project duration: 
2005 to 2007

The project makes a comprehensive study of the conditions for achieving work – life balance in Czech society. It focuses on the legislative, social, political, institutional, employer and individual aspects of how individuals, couples, and families balance work and family obligations. The project consists of three phases, that combine theory and methodology in an effort to produce the following outcome: a) a legislative and socio-political analysis of work-life balance measures; b) a sociological analysis of the types of families with children for which work-life balance is of key importance; c) comparative analyses of work-life balance conditions at the employer level and a comparison of approaches and practises in Czech and foreign companies. The project contributes to creating a thorough understanding of the relations between work and family spheres from the point of view of the gender relations, in terms of both theory and methodology, and to developing recommendations that could be used in socio-political and employer policy and legislation.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech science foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 30, displaying 11 - 20)

Křížková, Alena, Marta Vohlídalová

Autorky v článku mapují teoretické argumenty genderové dimenze sociálního státu. Navrhují tři integrální dimenze konceptualizace rodičovství v české společnosti a na trhu práce: 1) právo být rodičem a právo pracovat, 2) rovnost či nediskriminaci v rodičovství, 3) příležitost dosáhnout kombinace pracovního a soukromého života.


gender, wages and incomes, care, work, social inequalities
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Maříková, Hana

This study is the outcome of an analysis of a questionnaire survey that focused on the degree to which Czech parents develop individual and family strategies for combining work and family life, and the objective was to examine the situation and strategies of parents currently living with dependent children.

gender, work, parenting, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Hašková, Hana

This study is the outcome of an analysis of a questionnaire survey that focused on the degree to which Czech parents develop individual and family strategies for combining work and family life, and the objective was to examine the situation and strategies of parents currently living with dependent children.

gender, care, parenting, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Křížková, Alena, Dudová, Radka, Maříková, Hana
human relations, work, lifestyle
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Other publication
Křížková, Alena

Statistická analýza individuálních dat v časové řadě (1998 – 2004) jednak ukázala, že existuje významný mzdový rozdíl i mezi ženami a muži na stejné pozici v jedné firmě, který nelze vysvětlit dostupnými osobními nebo strukturálními charakteristikami a jednak, že nedošlo k výrazné změně mzdových rozdílů mezi muži a ženami v období významných legislativních změn ve směru k odstranění nerovností v odměňování ani v několika letech následujících po těchto změnách.


gender, wages and incomes, work
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Non-peer-reviewed article
Křížková, Alena

The study is a sociological comparison of the work/life strategie of different cathegories of women based on thein work positron and family situation in the czech society dutiny the last 15 years.

gender, work, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Křížková, Alena (ed.), Hana Maříková, Hana Hašková, Jana Bierzová

This study is the outcome of an analysis of a questionnaire survey that focused on the degree to which Czech parents develop individual and family strategies for combining work and family life, and the objective was to examine the situation and strategies of parents currently living with dependent children.

gender, work, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Maříková, Hana

The article deal with the historical development of the childcare facilities, analyses their availability, flexibility, affordability. It is focused on the parental acceptability of the facilities for children as well as the other working time arrangements facilitating combination of work and family lifes.

gender, care, work, family, social policy
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Křížková, Alena (ed.), Zdeněk Sloboda, Radka Dudová, Hana Maříková

This study looks at the problem of work-life balance at the employee level and at the mechanisms for negotiating policies for working parents directly at the workplace. The research was based on three case studies of engineering companies, comparing the parent companies in Germany, France, and Sweden with their branches in the Czech Republic.

gender, work, parenting, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Křížková, Alena

This study is the outcome of an analysis of a questionnaire survey that focused on the degree to which Czech parents develop individual and family strategies for combining work and family life, and the objective was to examine the situation and strategies of parents currently living with dependent children.

gender, work, parenting, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
