The problems associated with migration gain more significance in nowadays globalized world. The study introduces theoretical views and general information on migrant processes as well as description of the main life conditions of the immigrants and their families. The first part of the study summarises main trends and knowledge of European and American studies on migration and general review of European immigration policies. The second part is focused on current situation of immigrants in the Czech Republic (CR). This part of the study is about life conditions of the immigrants, their labour market position, access to housing, education, health care, state social support benefits and pensions. Moreover, legislative and real practice of family unification in the CR is mentioned. In the end of the study main issues and methodology of the future research of the immigrant families are outlined.The study brings introductory knowledge for further research that will be conducted in the immigrant families.
Chapter in monograph
Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
Imigrace do České republiky po roce 1989
Nešpor, Zdeněk R. 2007. „Imigrace do České republiky po roce 1989.“ Pp. 24-30 in Nešporová, Olga. Rodiny přistěhovalců I. Praha: VÚPSV, v.v.i. 62 s. ISBN 978-80-97007-55-6.
Part of publication:
migration and mobility