Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 6/2013

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Obsah čísla


Mitja Hafner-Fink, Brina Malnar, Samo Uhan:
The National Contexts of Post-national Citizenship [867]

Petr Novák, Michael Miovský, Jiří Vopravil, Roman Gabrhelík, Lenka Šťastná, Lucie Jurystová:
Gender-Specific Effectiveness of the Unplugged Prevention Intervention in Reducing Substance Use among Czech Adolescents [903]

Tanja Oblak Črnič:
Slovenians Offline: Class and Cultural Aspects of Digital Exclusion [927]

Eseje o sociální teorii

Christian Fleck:
Lewis A. Coser—A Stranger within More Than One Gate [951]

Marianne Egger de Campo:
Contemporary Greedy Institutions: An Essay on Lewis Coser’s Concept in Times of the ‘Hive Mind’ [969]


Shaul Stampfer:
Jana Vobecká: Demographic Avant-Garde: Jews in Bohemia Between the Enlightenment and the Shoah [989]

Andrew Roberts:
Valerie J. Bunce and Sharon L. Wolchik: Defeating Authoritarian Leaders in Postcommunist Countries [992]

Katrin Gasior:
OECD: Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators [994]

Caroline Berghammer:
Paul Seabright: The War of the Sexes. How Confl ict and Cooperation Have Shaped Men and Women from Prehistory to the Present [997]

Achim Kemmerling:
Patrick Emmenegger, Silja Häussermann, Bruno Palier and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser: The Age of Dualization. The Changing Face of Inequality in Deindustrializing Societies [999]

Claude Martin, Alis Sopadzhiyan:
Kai Leichsenring, Jenny Billings and Henk Nies: Long-Term Care in Europe. Improving Policy and Practice [1002]

Leslie Bishop Tarver:
Robert A. Hahn and Marcia Inhorn (eds.): Anthropology and Public Health: Bridging the Differences in Culture and Society [1006]

Balázs Váradi:
Rik van Berkel, Willibrord de Graaf and Tomáš Sirovátka (eds.): The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe [1011]

Dietmar Blesky:
Sven Kunisch, Stephan A. Boehm and Michael Boppel (eds.): From Grey to Silver. Managing the Demographic Change Successfully [1013]

Yves Laberge:
Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein and Carl Mitcham (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity [1016]

Mimo rubriky

Recenzenti statí rozhodnutých v roce 2013 [1021]

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