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Petr Zacharov
Position: | Postdoctoral associate | Email: |
Phone: | +420 272 016 051 |
Room: | 121 |

1998-2004 - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles Univerzity in Prague - Meteorology
2004 - diploma thesis "Diagnostic and prognostic convection precursors"
2004-2010 - Doctoral studies at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles Univerzity in Prague
2010 - doctoral thesis "The evaluation of the heavy convective precipitation forecast"
Employment and academic experience:
since 2002 - Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR, Departement of Meteorology
Professional interests:
- quantitative precipitation forecast and verification
- physics of severe convective phenomena
- ensemble forecast - COSMO-CZ-ENS
Selected publications:
- Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Brožková, R., 2013: Evaluation of the QPF of convective flash flood rainfalls over the Czech territory in 2009, Atmospheric Research, 131, -, pp. 95-107
- Púčik, T. ; Valachová, M. ; Zacharov, Petr, jr., 2013: Upper tropospheric conditions in relation to the cloud top features of 15 August 2010 convective storms, Atmospheric Research, 123, -, pp. 249-267
- Sokol, Zbyněk ; Zacharov, Petr, 2012: Nowcasting of precipitation by an NWP model using assimilation of extrapolated radar reflectivity, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138, 665, pp. 1072-1082
- Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Řezáčová, Daniela, 2009: Using the fractions skill score to assess the relationship between an ensemble QPF spread and skill, Atmospheric Research, 94, 4, pp. 684-693
- Řezáčová, Daniela ; Zacharov, Petr ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2009: Uncertainty the area-related QPF for heavy convective precipitation, Atmos. Res., 93, pp. 238-246
- Sokol, Z., Skripniková, K., Zacharov, P., jr., 2014: Simulation of the storm on 15 August, 2010, using a high resolution COSMO NWP model, Atmospheric Research, 137, pp. 100-111
- GA ČR. GPP209/12/P701, The uncertainty estimation of convective precipitation forecast using regional EPS, 2012-2014. Investigator: Zacharov, P. Details
- GA ČR. GAP209/11/2045, Constraining continuous simulations of flood frequency using mapping saturated areas to constrain prediction uncertainties, 2011-2015. Investigator: Řezáčová, D., Team: Zacharov, P.; Pešice, P. Details
- MŠMT. LD11044, Methods for validating numerical prediction of convective precipitation – the evaluation of the efficiency of physical parameterizations, 2011-2014. Investigator: Řezáčová, D., Team: Bližňák, V.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Zacharov, P. Details
- TA ČR. TA01031509, Forecasting system for the forecast of road surface for the Czech Republic, 2011-2014. Investigator: Sokol, Z., Team: Bližňák V., Sedlák P., Pešice P., Chládová Z., Zacharov P., Fišer O., Hošek J., Řezáčová D. Details
- COST. ES0905, Basic Concepts for Convection Parameterization in Weather Forecast and Climate Models, 2010-2014. Investigator: Řezáčová, D., Team: Bližňák, V.; Pešice, P.; Sokol, Z.; Zacharov, P. Details
- GA ČR. GA205/07/0905, Exploitation of remote sensing means for modelling and monitoring of convective storms, 2007-2011. Investigator: Sokol, Z., Team: Zacharov P., Details