Practical Information
- Residence Permits/Visa
- Medical Insurance
- Accommodation
- Public transport
- Living costs
Residence Permits / Visa
There are several types of visa and the visa procedure itself is quite lengthy. A new Czech Immigration Law introduced in 2011 tightens many of the application rules, so be sure to have current information when applying for your visa or residence permit.
Although CERGE-EI helps students with advice and necessary confirmations, students are fully responsible for submitting their visa applications sufficiently in advance to be able to start their program as scheduled. Late arrival due to visa constraints may seriously affect performance and exam results.
Visa applications may be submitted at the Czech consulate (when applying from abroad) or respective branch of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic (when prolonging your application in the Czech Republic).
Please see more details at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Interior webpage (or contact your nearest Czech consulate). CERGE-EI will provide detailed instructions to all students admitted to either the Preparatory Semester or the PhD program.
Medical Insurance
Students who are admitted to the program and do not present satisfactory proof of medical insurance will be enrolled in a group policy of CERGE-EI (complex care insurance).
Preparatory Semester students must arrange medical insurance from their home country for their stay in the Czech Republic (see more details at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs webpage, or contact your nearest Czech consulate).
CERGE-EI students may apply for accommodation in the Charles University dormitories, which are generally located in the suburbs (about 45 minutes from CERGE-EI by public transport). Cost is approximately 3000 CZK per month for a double room.
Dormitory places are booked by CERGE-EI for first-year students who indicated their interest on their application form. Second, third, and fourth-year students apply for dormitory places individually through the Charles University booking system each year. Students invited to the Preparatory Semester may apply for a place in the student dormitories as well - contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.
Prices for private accommodation in Prague vary greatly depending on quality and location. Most advanced CERGE-EI students, however, have beeb able to find convenient flats within their budget. First-year students are advised to opt for the dormitory, as CERGE-EI cannot assist students with renting private apartments.
Type of accommodation Prices
Dormitory / Shared room 2,500-3,000 CZK per month
Dormitory / Single room 3,500 – 6,000 CZK per month
Studio apartment 10,000 -15,000 CZK per month
Shared apartment (3 people or more) 5,000 - 9,000 CZK per month / person
Public Transport in Prague
Public transport in Prague is said to be one of the best systems in Europe. The metro, trams and buses cover the majority of the city and its suburbs. A monthly pass costs around 550 CZK (260 CZK for students up to 26 years of age). Find more details here.
Living Expenses
Prague is a moderate city in terms of living expenses. It is much less expensive than Western European cities such as London or Paris or larger former Soviet cities such as Moscow. Prices are, however, higher than in less central Eastern European cities. Personal standards may vary, but a CERGE-EI stipend should allow you to cover all necessary costs including housing, food, transportation and reasonable incidental expenses.
Sample items Prices
Mineral water 15 CZK / 1.5l
Loaf of Bread 10 CZK
Milk 20 CZK / 1 l
Chocolate 25 CZK
Beer (0.5 liter) in a pub 35 CZK
Meal in a restaurant 150 CZK
“CERGE-EI transformed my dreams into goals and my goals into achievements.”
Peter Stankov, PhD
CERGE-EI Alumnus
Senior Assistant Professor, University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
PhD Contact
PhD Program
P.O. Box 882
Politických vězňů 7
111 21 Praha 1
Czech Republic
phd@cerge-ei.czThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T: +420 224 005 161