C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

Nature of Rules and Normativity

September 17-19 2014, Villa Lanna, Prague, Czech Republic

Prague international colloquium
organized by the

Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

 The colloquium continues the series of international meetings organized in Prague by the department. The present colloquium aims to bring together people interested in the nature of normativity and in the way rules exist and are followed within human communities. The invited speakers of the colloquium are Alice Crary (New York), Mark Okrent (Lewiston), Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (Leipzig), and Michael Williams (Baltimore).

The conference fee is EUR 60 (covering participation, refreshments, a register of abstracts & the banquet. Some accommodation is available (a limited number of rooms) directly on the conference site.

Extended abstracts of 2 pages in pdf format prepared for a blind reviewing should be submitted via EasyChair by 31st March, 2014. The program committee consists of Ondřej Beran, Christopher Gauker, Ladislav Koreň, Jaroslav Peregrin, Mark Risjord, Vladimír Svoboda and Bernhard Weiss. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 31st May. Contributed papers are scheduled for 40 minutes including discussion.

The organizing committee consists of Jaroslav Peregrin, Ondřej Beran and Petra Ivaničová.

See the web page of the colloquium.

Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

PDF version of this CFP.

07-01-2014 16:17:19