Name: |
Measurement and Analysis of Local Electric Oscillations and Optical Emission of Biomolecular Nanostructures |
From: |
2010-01-01 |
To: |
2012-12-31 |
The major part of the project deals with the analysis and the development of methodology for measurement of local electric oscillations of biomolecular nanostructures in 0 - 20 MHz and 20 – 50 GHz region. Theoretical analysis of the electric field spatial distribution of biomolecular nanostructures will be performed. The goals of the project include development of specialized sensors for measurement of local electric oscillations of biomolecular nanostructures in given frequency region. Unit for micromanipulation of the sensor electrodes and sample under the optical microscope within the electromagnetically screened box will be prepared. Minor part of the project deals with optical interactions of selected natural active biomolecular nanostructures which will be studied by determining the correlation of specific biophysical parameters of the optically connected samples. Their spontaneous optical emission will be measured by single photon counting system and measured data will be analyzed quantum-statistically.