- Information
16 - 20 June, 2008The 22th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic, was held at Hejnice, 16 - 20 June 2008.
The invited speakers of the conference wereBob Brandom, Dag Prawitz, Stewart Shapiro, and Heinrich Wansing
Selected contributions to the conference were published in Michal Peliš (ed.):
The Logica Yearbook 2008The conference was sponsored by
Bernard Family Brewery Humpolec - Program
L o g i c a 2 0 0 8 - Programme
Tuesday, 17 June
>> morning sessionDag Prawitz
Inference and knowledge
Theodora Achourioti
Justification and harmony
Ole Hjortland Proof-theoretic harmony and structural assumptions Gillman Payette
Proof theory and pluralism
Peter Schroeder-Heister Definitional reasoning:
An alternative to Dummett-Prawitz-style proof-theoretic semantic
>> afternoon sessionJaroslav Peregrin
Inferentializing semantics and consequence Nils Kurbis Proof-theoretic semantics, modal operators and propositional quantifiers Rosen Lutskanov What is the definition of logical constant? Luca Tranchini The meaning of negation: a proposal Vojtěch Kolman What do Gödel theorems tell us about Hilbert’s solvability thesis? Timm Lampert Wittgenstein on pseudo-irrationals, diagonal numbers and decidability
Wednesday, 18 June
>> morning sessionBob Brandom
Incompatibility semantics Kohei Kishida Neighborhood incompatibility semantics for modal logic
Martin Pleitz Meaning and compatibility: Brandom and Carnap on propositions Catarina Dutilh Novaes Medieval obligationes as a regimentation of 'the game of giving and asking for reasons' Michael von Boguslawski Oiva Ketonen’s supreme logical discovery
>> afternoon session
Peter Milne Betting on fuzzy and many-valued propositions Christian Fermüller Truth value intervals, bets, and dialogue games Libor Běhounek Fuzzy logics interpreted as logics of resources Petr Cintula and
Carles Noguera i ClofentA hierarchy of (fuzzy) implicational logics Felix Bou and
Umberto RivieccioThe logic of logical bilattices Francesco Berto Strong paraconsistency, contradiction, and exclusion negation
Thursday, 19 June
>> morning sessionHeinrich Wansing and
Caroline SemmlingReasoning about belief revision Ondrej Majer and
Michal PelišEpistemic logics for relevant agents Marie Duží and
Bjørn Jespersen'Pi' in the sky: Computational procedures and abstract entities Sebastian
Sequoiah-GraysonNegative information and inference
Friday, 20 June
>> morning sessionStewart Shapiro An 'i' for an i Vítězslav Švejdar Relatives of Robinson arithmetic Marta Bílková On the co-algebraic cover modality Manfred Kupffer A semantics for modal realism