Authors: Stöckelová, Tereza
The chapter deals with the moral and political economy of science while using the concept of "modes of ordering" developed by John Law. On the basis of an ethnographic research in a social scientific academic institution it discusses modes of ordering as they are deploy...
Authors: Cidlinská, Kateřina, Marcela Linková
The publication explores gender aspects of researchers’ career plans, academic mobility, combination of research and parenthood, image of science in the media and gender equality policies in science. The introductory chapter discusses current changes in research and positio...
MŠMT ve spolupráci s DZS a NKC-ŽV předalo v pátek 17. prosince od 14 hodin v Zrcadlovém sále MŠMT Cenu Milady Paulové za rok 2010.
Dne 17. prosince 2010 proběhne slavnostní vyhlášení 2. ročníku Ceny Milady Paulové za celoživotní přínos vědě, kterou v roce 2010 ministr školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Mgr. Josef Dobeš udělí v oboru ekonomie. Slavnostní ceremoniál se koná ve 14 hod. v Malém zrcadlovém sál...
Authors: Linková, Marcela
European science policy turned its attention to gender equality at the end of the 20th century, influencing to a smaller or greater extent three Framework Programmes supporting European research and technological development (the fifth, sixth and seventh). Gender equality is also...
The new Socioeconomics of Housing department was established in 2009 and continues in activities of the Socioeconomics of Housing team that was a part of the Economic sociology department since 2000. In the beginning, it focused on studying housing expenditures (housing consumpti...
Head of department: Ing. Mgr. Martin Lux, Ph.D.
The department’s research activities encompass the broad field between economics and sociology, focusing specifically on the labour market, economic inequalities and social policy, the entrepreneurial elite and the behaviour of firms. It further focuses on the role of values and...
Head of department: doc. Ing. Jiří Večerník, CSc.
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Head of department: Mgr. Nela Hesová
Issued by: Evropská komise, FP7-SEC-2011-285223 Time of researching the project: 2012 – 2015, 36 months (1. 2. 2012 –31.1.2015) Coordinator of the project: Professor Dr. Fabio Massacci, University Trento, Italy Project coordinator for the Czech part: PhDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, C...
Project duration: 2012 to 2015
Authors: Lyons, Pat
In this article, a comparison is made between economic and identity explanations of preferences toward EU membership in the Czech Republic. This research demonstrates that economics rather then identity is a more powerful explanation of public opinion toward accession. The result...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
Following the assumption that the middle class is important in the transition from communism to a democratic market society as its leading actor and guarantor of social integration, this paper presents evidence of the benefits it has gained from economic and social reforms. As th...
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The chapter focuses on the economic policy making between government and parliament. On the beginning there is analysed the legislative framework of this relation, then the division of power between government and parliament, based on the accountability concept. The result of thi...
Authors: Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega
The chapter describes, evaluates and compares the housing allowance in the Czech Republic with housing allowances in selected other transition countries. For the purpose of evaluation the approach of welfare economics is used. 
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
The author applies perspektive of economic sociology to his survey on Czech western re-emigrants in the 1990s and their perception of contemporary Czech society, economic-cultural institutions, and business/entrepreneurial behaviour. He concludes that fundamentals differences bet...
Authors: Stöckelová, Tereza
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
The article provides a strong theoretical basis for a study of Czech emigration to the West and the return of the emigrants in the 1990s, which spreads from P. Berger´s and T. Luckmann´s theory of socialization, and compares it with a point of view of socio-economics,...
Authors: Stöckelová, Tereza
Authors: Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega
The authors of the chapter focus on following research questions: (1) What factors explain different impacts of global economic crisis on mortgage markets and housing markets in post-socialist countries? And more specifically: (2) Could differences in institutional arrangements i...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
This book examines the income distributional experience of fifteen developed economies over the past two decades. It considers the effects on the inequality of household income of the development of individual earnings, unemployment, inflation, public sector transfers and taxes,...
