The Institute of Physics, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organizes the international conference that will take place in Prague on 29 July–3 August, 2013. Its main goal is to contribute to uncovering possible phenomenological (“quantum thermodynamic”) laws governing the behavior of mesoscopic systems and also to provide better understanding and insight into recent problems of the foundations, relying on theoretical and experimental methods of condensed matter physics and quantum optics. Special attention will be given to the dynamics of mesoscopic open systems and their relevance to problems of measurement of non-equilibrium quantum systems, thermal and quantum fluctuations, dissipation, noise, physics of quantum information and biological systems, in terms of both theory and experiment. FQMT’13 is follow-up to three previous conferences held in Prague 2004, 2008 and 2011. The FQMT'13 program will feature concerts of classical and jazz music performed by world-class musicians, held at outstanding venues of the city. Both the scientific program and the musical program are intended as a complement to one another, where scientists and musicians are encouraged to mingle and share their knowledge and experience. More information on
16 Jul 2013