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Většina spáchaných trestných činů není odhalena policií samotnou. Její práce, pokud má být efektivní, výrazně závisí na ochotě občanů s touto institucí spolupracovat. Příspěvek porovnává míru této spolupráce v České republice a v ostatních evropských zemích, které se zúčastnily výzkumu ESS R 5, a zaměřuje se na faktory, které ji ovlivňují.
Na polarizaci české společnosti mají značný podíl komunisté. "Jejich" minulost je tu pořád s námi.
Motivace a postoje lidí zabývajících se konspiračními teoriemi. Analýza společenských faktorů, které mají dopad na šíření konspiračních teorií.
The article examines age as a possible group identity. It sets out to determine which age groups in society today have a stronger sense of identity and the source of that identity, while drawing on the tenets of social psychology and the theories of social identity and optimal distinctiveness. The analysis is based on representative data for the Czech population over the age of 20 drawn from the European Social Survey Round 4 and the International Social Survey Programme 2003.
Information about the possibility to apply for a short visits programme of competence centers of the ESS.
Parental leaves and family-related work interruptions are linked to a variety of issues, such as children’s well-being or women’s work trajectories. Yet, the measurement of periods of absence from the labour market might be imprecise, especially in retrospective surveys.
The book treats the problem of functioning of democracy from the perspective of trust. Three main types of trust are defined in the democratic system: systemic trust (legitimacy of the regime), trust in institutions and general trust in other people. The work analyzes the role of these different types of trust as well as consequences of distrust on different levels of democratic system.
The chapter introduces detailed overview of typology, ideas and theoretical concepts of social capital. It compares classical conception of Bourdieu, Coleman and Putnam. Two types/ paradigms are distinguished: individual in which social capital functions as vehicle of social status reproduction and collective (community type) when it serves as source of cohesion.
This chapter, employing data from European Values Survey 1991, 1999 a 2008, analyses whether legitimacy of democracy in Czech Republic is boosted by trust in institutions, satisfaction with governance and also by collective social capital (social trust, networks of civic engagement). The results showed nonsignificant relation btw. social trust and civic participation; trust in institutions is only very weekly correlated with non-conventional participation. Also relation btw.
Chapter examines data sources of family research. The overview is limited to studies carried out in the last decade and those for which data are publicly available. The author provides an overview of relevant surveys and statistics on families, as well as information about where to find information on specific topics relevant for sociology of family, such as the attitudes to marriage and partnerships, sexual behaviour, parenting, abortion and family roles.
This paper focuses on attitudes towards marriage and unmarried cohabitation and the diffusion of unmarried cohabitations and unmarried cohabitations with child in the Czech Republic. In the second part, based on qualitative study shows the diversity of attitudes of unmarried parental couples and reasons of their potential postponement or considering of entry to marriage.
The article deals with three basic questions: what is and what is not the ageism, how serious is ageism in Czech Republic based on the research European Social Survey Round 4 and what are the ways of reducing ageism.