Completed project

ISSP 2002 a 2003 - rodina a národ v komparativní perspektivě

Project duration: 
2002 to 2004

V roce 2002 a 2003 budou v rámci mezinárodního výzkumného programu ISSP, který probíhá ve 34 zemích světa, zkoumána Rodina a gender a Národní identita. Tato témata budou zkoumána v národní, mezinárodní a časové perspektivě. Jde o témata zajímavá jak z akademického, tak politického hlediska. Hospodářské a sociální změny v České republice po roce 1989 redefinovaly a modernizovaly rodinu a rodinnou identitu. Podobná redefinice proběhla již dříve také např. v zemích západní Evropy. Podobně politické a zejména mezinárodněpolitické změny (odklon z Východu na Západ, rozpad československé federace, vznik samostatné České republiky, posílení mezinárodněprávní suverenity ČR odpoutáním od vlivu Ruska, vstup do NATO a vyjednávání o vstupu do EU) redefinovaly národ a národní identitu. Redefinice národa a národní identity však probíhá i například v členských zemích Evropské unie. Tento grantový projekt by měl zabezpečit účast České republiky v těchto výzkumech.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech science foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 7, displaying 1 - 7)

Hamplová, Dana

Text studies life satisfaction and happiness of Czech men and women. It works with ISSP 2002 data. Basic socio-demographic factors are analyzed (sex, age, education, marital status and cohabitation). Satisfaction with family life and satisfaction with work is also included in the analyses. Married people are happier than others. Satisfaction with family life affects happiness more strongly than satisfaction with work.

value orientations, human relations, work, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chaloupková, Jana, Petra Šalamounová

This study focuses on attitudes towards marriage, unmarried cohabitation, parenthood, and the roles of men and women in the family in Czech society in the past decade. Using data drawn from the ISSP Family and Gender Roles survey conducted in 1994 and 2002, the authors analyse how these attitudes have developed over the past decade and their differentiation according to social group and, especially, age, education, gender, and marital status.

gender, value orientations, parenting, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Vlachová, Klára, Blanka Řeháková

The article provides an analysis of national identity in 11 European countries. National identity is a construct consisting of territorial identity, the image of the nation, national pride, and love for the nation. Authors focus on the elements that define the cultural nation and the political nation. With regard to territorial identity authors measure localism, regionalism, patriotism, and Europeanism.

Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Hamplová, Dana

The article investigates the differences between marriage and non-marital cohabitation. The main perspective stems from the theory of the social exchange. The author concentrates on the narrow question of financial transfers between partners and presents the hypothesis that cohabitation should represent a lesser bond union because it does not protect investments into partnerships, and it should therefore be more egalitarian. However, this hypothesis is not confirmed by the data.

human relations, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Vlachová, Klára, Blanka Řeháková

In this study the authors analyse Czech national identity after the split of Czechoslovakia and before accession to the European Union.

EU, identity
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Hamplová, Dana
parenting, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Non-peer-reviewed article
Vlachová, Klára, Blanka Řeháková

The study is dedicated to the Czech national identity in 1995 and 2003. We analyse four elements of national identity ů an image of the nation (culture-nation, state-nation), a territorial identity (local, regional, state and European), a national pride (in performance of a culture and state), and a love for the nation (patriotism, chauvinism).

EU, value orientations, identity
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication: