
ELITES AND EU ENLARGEMENT, Prague 17-18 February 2006


ELITY A ROZŠÍŘENÍ EU, Praha 17.-18. 2. 2006, třetí z řady šesti mezinárodních workshopů networku pro výzkum elit, na téma: Resistence a podpora veřejnosti pro různé typy integrace do EU mezi novými členskými zeměmi ze střední a východní Evropy.

Elites and EU Enlargement

Third International
Conference, 2006
Prague, Czech Republic, 17-18
February 2006

Popular Opposition to, and Support for, Different Types of Integration
into the European Union among the New Member States of Central and Eastern

The Prague conference will be the third of six workshops held by the
“International Network for the Study of Strategic Elites and European

Sponsored by: British Academy and Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic.

The workshop aims to identify institutions and social
groups that strongly support moves toward a more intense European integration,
as well as those being indifferent or even seeking to minimise the impact of
membership. Their attitudes may stimulate or impede the integration of the new
member states in the enlarged European Union.

The emphasis of this workshop is on the attitudes of
non-elites toward economic and political leaders who favour or oppose different
degrees of integration, or alternative scenarios (i.e. to move towards an
'Atlanticist' or 'Eastward looking' model).

Papers addressed to the general main topic and to the
following proposed sessions are invited.

Session 1:

EU Integration and National Interests. Views of the
Political and Economic Elites.

The introductory
session is intended as a “leadership view” of the enlargement process to date.

Session 2:

Public Opinion and Attitudes after Two Years
Experience within the EU.

Session 3:

Homogenisation of Lifestyles and Business Cultures in
the Old and New EU Countries. The Impact of EU Enlargement and Globalisation on

Session 4:

What Type of Enlargement: towards Convergence or
Diversity? Strategies of further EU Structuring and their Influences on the New
Member States.

Session 5:

The Accession Process and the Limits of further EU
Enlargement. The Role of Popular Opposition and Support.

It is intended to publish the proceedings of the
conference and final papers should be at a stage requiring relatively little


Abstracts for presentations
(not more than 500 words) should be submitted for review by October 31, 2005 by
email attachment to

Abstracts will be refereed and
contributors will be notified as to whether their abstracts have been accepted
by the 30th November 2005.

Date of receipt of completed papers
by the organizer: January 20, 2006.


Those who present papers will
be provided accommodation (two nights), lunches and refreshments during the
breaks, and the conference dinner on Friday.

Contingent contribution
towards travel expenses is dependent of further fund raising.

Application is invited for a limited number of places
from non-presenting participants at a charge of EURO 40 (students 20) which
will include attendance at the conference, lunches and refreshments during


31 OCTOBER 2005 Submission of abstracts

30 NOVEMBER 2005 Contributors are notified of their
papers acceptance

20 JANUARY 2006 Last date of sending the full papers


Lumir Gatnar

Institute of Sociology of
the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Attached files