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For users


I am a registered user of the Academy of Sciences Library (ASL)

I want to log on to the catalogue

You can find an overview of other catalogues here.

I want to extend the validity of my reader’s pass

The validity of a reader’s pass can be extended when visiting the library in person following the presentation of an identity document and the payment of the given fee (price list)

Identity documents accepted:

  • a citizen of the Czech Republic: identity card
  • a foreign national: passport or driving licence (EU citizens may also present an identity card)

Other types of document (e.g. ISIC, OPENCARD, etc.) are not accepted.


I want to extend the loan period of documents

  1. Log on.
  2. V horní navigační liště klikněte na odkaz Čtenář.
  3. Zvolte „Výpůjčky“ (kliknutím na číslo v pravém sloupci).
  4. Prodloužení výpůjční lhůty můžete provést po kliknutí na číslo v levém sloupci „Poč.“ v sekci „Podrobnosti o výpůjčce“.
  5. Zde v řádku „Prodloužení“ naleznete informaci o možnosti prodloužení.

Požádat o prodloužení vypůjčených dokumentů můžete také e-mailem (servis@knav.cz) nebo telefonicky (221 403 254).

Více informací o prodlužování vypůjčených dokumentů najdete zde.

I want to order or reserve a document

Procedure for the on-line ordering or reserving of documents:

  1. Log on.
  2. Search for the document you are looking for (brief guide, how to look for books).
  3. In the column “Location” click on the link “The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Library” by the requested title.
  4. Click on the link “Request” in the left-hand column.
  5. Confirm your request by clicking on the button “OK” to the bottom left.
  6. Click on the link “Search” on the upper navigation bar for a new search.
  7. Always log off after completing your order by clicking on the link “Log Off (end)”.

You can find more information about on-line searches and ordering here.

You can also order or reserve a document by e-mail (servis@knav.cz) or by telephone (221 403 254).

I want to use the freely accessible collection in the study of the Academy of Sciences Library

One of the possible forms of registration must be selected for attendance loans from the freely accessible collection in the study of the Academy of Sciences Library.

We are preparing more-detailed information.


I want to use the Internet in the Academy of Sciences Library

The Internet connection in the Academy of Sciences Library can be used in the following ways:


Computer Study

You can find more information on the method of connection and conditions for the use of the Internet here.


I want to use remote access

Remote access to electronic sources of information is permitted only to registered user of the Academy of Sciences Library who hold a valid reader’s pass (more here). Registration for remote access to electronic sources of information may be performed without visiting the Academy of Sciences Library in person (more here).

More information on remote access and registration here.


I want to use the copying and/or bookbinding services of the Academy of Sciences Library

You can find a complete overview of copying and bookbinding services here:


I want to order some research

Research may be ordered here without the need for registration (price list):

  • the processing of research requests from databases available at the Academy of Sciences Library and on the Internet
  • subject and author research, journal searches, citation analyses from the databases Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS
  • Impact Factor determination from Journal Citation Reports (from the JCR database and printed version)
  • Hirsch index searches from the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases
  • consultation relating to databases
  • research from the collection of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Library, KENCI catalogue (catalogue of encyclopaedic information) and the Internet
  • searches of material and biographic information



I want to digitalise a document

I am not a registered user of the Academy of Sciences Library (ASL)

I want to register

We are preparing an on-line guide for you for the appropriate type of registration.

Only the following identity documents are accepted for all types of registration (including one-day admission):

  • a citizen of the Czech Republic: identity card
  • a foreign national: passport or driving licence (EU citizens may also present an identity card)

Other types of document (e.g. ISIC, OPENCARD, etc.) are not accepted.

Types of registration:

Before registering, I would like to find out if the document I need is available at the Academy of Sciences Library

You cand find information on the availability of documents in the collection of the Academy of Sciences Library?

I want to use the services of the Academy of Sciences Library on a one-off basis (without registration)


Services provided by the Academy of Sciences Library on a one-off basis without the need for registration


Services provided by the Academy of Sciences Library on a one-off basis with registration for one-day admission necessary


Services provided by the Academy of Sciences Library on a one-off basis with registration for one-day admission including use of the computer study necessary


Reprography and bookbinding services
