Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR, v. v. i. › Věda a výzkum › Oddělení › files-neuroscience
Aktuální granty Laboratoře tkáňových kultur a kmenových buněk
GA AS CR, IAA500390902, The use of stem cells and biomaterials for spinal cord injury repair, 2009–2012.
GA AS CR, KAN,200520804, Biocompatible nanofibers for application of biologicaly and pharmacologicaly active substances, 2008–2012.
GA CR 304/10/0320 Utilization of autologous mesenchymal cells in the posterolateral spinal fusion in the degenerative spine diseases: preclinical and clinical trial 2010-2013
GA CR 304/10/0326 Autologous mesenchymal stem cells in rotator cuff repair enhancement – preclinical and prospective randomized clinical study 2010-2013
Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic LH12024 Determining the molecular aspects of spinal cord injury, regeneration, stem cell therapy and treatment with anti-inflammatory compounds 2012-2015
GA CR P304/12/1370 Superparamagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles for cellular imaging and their effect on genotoxicity, cytotocixity and stem cell differentiation. 2012-2015
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic FR-TI3/521 Preparation of new magnetic nanoparticles for diagnosis and treatment in oncology 2011-2015
GA CR P108/10/1560 New generation of reductively biodegradable functionalized macroporous scaffolds for neural tissue engineering 2010-2013
GA CR P304/11/0184 The potential of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of Alzheimer's 2011-2014
GA CR P304/11/0189 The use of stem cells in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2011-2014
GA CR P304/11/0653 Targeted differentiation and transdifferentiation of limbal and mesenchymal stem cells and their therapeutic application in preclinical models. 2011-2014
GA CR P304/11/0731 Spinal cord injury repair using biomodified hydrogels with oriented channels 2011-2013
GA CR P304/11/P633 Regeneration of axons across a transversal spinal cord lesion after bridging with a hydrogel seeded with mesenchymal stem cells 2011-2013
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic NT13477 The use of the synthetic biomaterials in the treatment of the extensive skeletal defects in revision total hip arthroplasty 2012-2015
EU 7th FP, Programme PITN-GA-2008-214003, Axonal regeneration, plasticity & stem cells, AXREGEN, 2008–2012.
EU 7th FP, Programme PITN -GA-2009-237956, Innovative Techniques and Models to Study Glia-Neuron Interactions, EdU-GLIA 2009-2013