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Library/Library Rules

Library Rules

The USP AV ČR Library is an integral part of the Scientific Information Department and provides its users, who recruit mainly from the institute scientific staff, students of law faculties and related fields and the wide expert public, with basic and specialized services. The Library is located in the building of the Institute of State and Law of the AV ČR, at Národní 18, Prague 1.

The following persons may become a user: (a) every person older than 15 years after submission of an identification card, (b) a foreign national after submission of a valid passport, or a residence permit, (c) libraries through the interlibrary loan service (ILS) on the basis of a properly completed form valid for the interlibrary loan service in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Each user (apart from the ILS) is obliged to complete a library registration sheet, in which they confirm correctness of their personal details. They are obliged to report any changes without undue delay. Registration of the user, as well as borrowings from the library fund are free of charge.

In the event of inapropriate behavior, such as such as using vulgar expressions, arrogant, or aggressive conduct, his/her use of the library services may be terminated. All existing obligations (borrowed literature) must be settled.

Library services:

a) On-Site-Loans - take place in the library study room, which is monitored by a camera out of security reasons. The on-site loans include literature published before 1950, literature located in the study room, dissertation theses and all journals. Each external (outside the institute) user is obliged to sign in the attendance sheet upon entry to the study room. The entry is permitted only with writing tools, a user of inappropriate appearance and dress shall not be let in.

b) Off-Site Loans  -  the literature is loaned on an off-site basis both through the on-line borrowing protocol, as well through a properly completed borrowing slip, while both of these methods have the same validity within the borrowing system. The user can also order requested documents over the phone, or by e-mail at the address  svi@ilaw.cas.cz , the library puts publications on reserve for the period of 1 week.

The loan period is 1 month for external users, while up to 10 items at the maximum can be borrowed at a time. A user can ask for renewal of the loan period before expiration of this loan period only provided that there is no other user interested in the publication concerned.

The following fines are charged in case of failure to meet the loan period:                                

The fine charged per each item and each commenced week :    5,- Kč
 an amount charged for the 1st demand note    20,- + postage
 an amount charged for the 2nd  demand note    40,- + postage
 an amount charged for the 3rd  demand note    60,- + postage
 an amount charged for the director demand note   200,- + postage

Following that, unreturned items will be enforced by courts. All enforcement related costs will be charged to the user. At the same time all library services will be suspended.

Institute staff can borrow the literature, which they necessarily need for their scientific work, on a long term basis – this does not relate to the study room items. At the same time they are obliged to provide this literature for the library fund audit.

Users are liable for returning items without any damage. The Library is entitled to demand compensation for each case of damage, or loss, up to the amount equal to a new item replacement costs.

c)  Literature search 

The Library provides search services in all its databases. The literature search can be ordered on-line through a special form, which is posted on the library website, or by completing a form during personal visit in the library. The Library puts the looked-up items on reservation for the period of 1 week.

d) Interlibrary loan service
For the institute staff the library procures literature also from other sources than its own funds. Each worker of the institute has an option to request an interlibrary (and in the case of unavailability of an item on the territory of the Czech Republic, an international interlibrary) borrowing and he/she is obliged to observe the set loan period.

e)  Reprographic services
All library materials can be photocopied only for the user’s personal use in compliance with provisions of the Copyright Act no. 121/2000 Coll. The price for one A4 format page amounts to CZK 2.50 + applicable VAT rate.


In Prague on June 27, 2007