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Grant NaDiMa     1.10.2008 - 30.9.2010
Grantor: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Motivation via Natural Differentiation in Mathematics

Programme type: Lifelong Learning Programme COMENIUS Multilateral project

The European materials on educational policy stress the importance of formation of pupils´ competences as: competence to learn, to communicate, to solve problems, to make conjectures, etc. This process should start in early age and on the primary school level it is supported mainly by the teacher.

On the general level this project aims at the development of primary school pupils:

These aims should be achieved by means of support and enhancement of teachers directed on:
In concrete terms each local team in cooperation with teachers from partners and associated schools will prepare elaborated materials and examples of substantial learning environments:

  IM leaders:

Tichá Marie

 Participating institutions:

University of Rzeszów, Institute of Mathematics, Poland (Coordinator)
Charter School no.1 in Rzeszów, Poland
University of South Bohemia České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Institute of Mathematics, AS CR
University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Mathematics, Germany
University of Hamburg, Department of Education, Germany
Schule An der Isebek, Germany
University of Drenthe, Netherlands