Seminars and Events
CERGE-EI regularly hosts seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops and other events. We also host international delegations, which serve to widen our institutional contacts beyond Europe, thus allowing researchers to share findings and regional perspectives of use to other transitional countries. Such visits by leading businesspersons and economists also help raise CERGE-EI's profile internationally.
Upcoming Events
5 Mar 2014
Pension Reforms: a Discussion on Current State of the Czech Pension System
Glopolis, a non-governmental organization which focuses on the analysis of economic globalization, trade, development, agriculture and climate change is organizing a public discussion on the role of the financial sector in pension systems titled "Penzijní reforma: cesta tam a zase zpátky? Role finančního sektoru v penzijních systémech".
Researcher Jiří Šatava from IDEA think tank will be one of the panelists.
More information to be found at our Czech website. The event will be conducted in Czech.
14 Mar 2014
Prof. Pierpaolo Benigno: “Safe assets, liquidity and monetary policy”
17 Mar 2014
Prof. Richard Blundell: “Female Labour Supply, Human Capital and Welfare Reform”
20 Mar 2014
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