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Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute

Using E-Resources

The CERGE-EI Library Catalog

The first tool for answering these questions is OLIB - the CERGE-EI library catalogue, where you can locate all items of CERGE-EI library collections. Currently, the library catalog includes:

  • all books, monographs, multi-volume books, statistical yearbooks, CD-ROMs and other materials
  • gray literature (working papers, discussion papers, dissertation theses etc.)
  • journal titles with hyperlinks to online fulltext databases - e.g. EBSCOhost, ProQuest Central, JSTOR and Science Direct.


Bibliographical Databases

Bibliographical databases are useful source, especially for finding journal articles. At the CERGE-EI Library web pages you will find the complete list of databases. Among them the most important are EconLit and Web of Knowledge.

EconLit is the American Economic Association's electronic bibliography of economic literature indexing articles from over 600 journals, books, working papers, and doctoral dissertations.

The Web of Knowledge includes three large multidisciplinary citation databases: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Science Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index. They contain information on articles from over 8,000 international journals. You will find there full bibliographic information, author abstracts, and author's affiliation. The most important feature is that citation databases contain the bibliographies, or reference lists, of the articles indexed in the databases. This enables you to find how many times an article has been cited, who cited it, which articles have cited the same paper, and in this way you can follow information in a broader context.


Statistical Databases

The very often used statistical databases are International Financial Statistics, OECD Statistical Compendium, International Statistical Yearbook, and World Development Indicators.


Database Guides

Please find more information about the databases and how to use them in the database guides:


Library information skills training - presentation