Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

Český rozhlas Leonardo, 28.2.2014.

V pondělním Magazínu...

Nadační fond Neuron, 10.2.2014.

Profesor Velický vybudoval a...

Videokanál Střediska společných činností Akademia věd ČR, 3.2.2014....

21. století, 20.1.2014.

Českým fyzikům se pomocí světelného...

Department of Magnetics and Superconductors


  • Ab-initio electronic structure calculations, theoretical study of polarons in correlated systems and vortex dynamics in HTSCs
  • Study of magnetic oxides and high temperature superconductors by optical and magneto-optical spectroscopy in the visible, near- and far-infrared range.
  • Electrical transport in the vicinity of phase transition, metal-insulator transition, relation between thermal and electrical transport. Relation of transport anomalies to orbital polarization and orbital and charge ordering
  • Behaviour of magnetic materials at extreme conditions, at low temperatures, under high pressures and at high magnetic fields
  • Magnetic interactions, magnetic structures, magnetic moments and magnetocrystalline anisotropy under high pressures, magnetic P-T phase diagrams of the 3d- and 4(5)f-element alloys
  • Volume anomalies connected with magnetic phase transitions - compressibility and thermal expansion of the Fe-based intermetallic compounds under pressure
  • Preparation and characterization of complex oxide systems containing transition metals with mixed valence. Local magnetic interactions and long distance ordering
  • High pressure technique and methods in the solid state physics - construction of the high pressure apparatuses

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