
Týden mozku 2014

Academic bulletin


Movies from world of sciences



Awards of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for Promotion and Popularization of R & D & I


The Academy of Sciences of the CR grants the awards of the ASCR for achieved results, which contribute to the prestige of Czech science in international comparison if five years have not passed from their first publication or implementation. It is presented for completed scientific results of excellent and high-quality research strategically orientated on social priorities.


The awards of the ASCR are granted in the following categories:
a)    The Award of the ASCR for outstanding results of great scientific significance achieved in the resolution of scientific tasks, grant, internal programme and international projects financed by the ASCR.
b) The Award of the ASCR for young scientific employees for outstanding results of scientific work, achieved with the financial support of the ASCR before reaching the age of 35.
c) The Award of the President of the ASCR for the promotion or popularization of research, experimental development and innovation granted to research employees for lifelong work in the area of the advancement of research, experimental development and innovation, including its promotion or popularization.

In one calendar year, it is possible to present at most three awards jointly in the categories a) and b) and three awards in category c) with the total financial means paid out in the calendar year not exceeding in categories a) and b) together a total of CZK 500,000 and in category c) also CZK 500,000. The expenses connected with the presentation of the awards of the ASCR are covered by the ASCR from its budget chapter, namely from the institutional expenditures for research, experimental development and innovation. The number of awards of the ASCR presented and their amount of money is decided by the President of the ASCR at the proposal of expert commissions and after discussion in the Academic Council of the ASCR.

  • Proposals for the granting of the awards of the ASCR in categories a) and b) can be submitted by the Directors of workplaces of the ASCR after discussion in the councils of the workplaces and President of the Grant Agency of the ASCR and the presidents of internal programmes by 31 March of that calendar year.
  • Proposals for the granting of the awards of the ASCR for the promotion or popularization of research, experimental development and innovation (in category c) can be submitted by the Directors of workplaces of the ASCR after discussion in the councils of the workplaces, the Scientific Council of the ASCR and the Council for the Popularization of Science of the ASCR by 31 May of that calendar year.

The Awards of the ASCR in categories a) and b) are presented by the President of the ASCR with recognition usually in the month of September. The awards of the President of the ASCR in category c) are presented by the President of the ASCR with recognition usually on the occasion of the World Development Information Day (24 October).


Presented Awards of the President of the ASCR