Board of the EI
The Board of the Economics Institute is elected and withdrawn by the Assembly of Researchers as a basic organ for EI academics and researchers. Its members' terms of office is five years. The EI Board has its meetings when a need occurs, but at least once every six months.
The main duties of the Board of the Economics Institute are, among other things, to keep the purpose for which the workplace has been established, enforce the public concern, and proper and economical work; to set the directions of the activities of the workplace in concord with the concept of the AS CR and with the founding charter, and decide on the concept of the development of the workplace; to discuss the drafts of research targets, the drafts of research proposals and the development of the workplace; to approve the budget of the workplace, changes in the budget, and the mid-term outlook of the workplace's financing; to approve the annual report of the workplace; to discuss proposals for cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions, to announce contests, and based on their results suggest to the President of the AS CR the appointment of the chosen candidate for the post of the Director of the workplace, and suggest the withdrawal of the Director, or give consent to the Director's withdrawal.
The current members of the EI Board are as follows:
Sergey Slobodyan, Ph.D. (Chair)
Internal member
Doc. Ing. Štěpán Jurajda, Ph.D. (Vice Chair)
Internal member
Doc. Ing. Michal Kejak, M.A., CSc.
Internal member
Prof. Jan Kmenta, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Michigan
Doc. Ing. Daniel Münich, Ph.D.
Internal member
Michal Pakoš, Ph.D.
Internal member
Prof. Gérard Roland, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Avner Shaked, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Economic Theory, University of Bonn
Doc. Krešimir Žigić, Ph.D.
Internal member