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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Postgraduate student Miroslav Myška awarded the Prize of the Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague

At the end of the last year, postgraduate student Miroslav Myška from the Department of Particle Theory and Phenomenology was awarded the Prize of the Rector of the Czech Technical University in Prague for an outstanding PhD thesis of the II. Degree (typically three prizes in each degree from I to III are awarded annually).

Miroslav Myška was supervised at our institute starting from his research work up to his very successful defense of PhD degree in June 2013. Thesis topic is the feasibility of the measurement of same-sign W boson pair production via double parton scattering in proton-proton collisions at center of mass energy 14 TeV using the ATLAS detector (CERN, Geneva). The most important result is the determination of the value of integrated luminosity necessary for the signal significance of five standard deviations above the background. During the postgraduate study he was repeatedly presenting his own individual results at international conferences and workshops. Together with three co-authors he published an important paper on the extraction of effective cross section – the main parameter of the theory of multiparton interactions (JHEP03(2013)).

After finishing his PhD thesis, Miroslav Myška is continuing investigation of multiparton interactions as a member of collaboration ATLAS at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

More information can be found at

  1. http://jaderka.fjfi.cvut.cz/aktuality/2013/1602-ceny-rektora-cvut-zamirily-opet-na-jaderku
  2. http://cds.cern.ch/record/1556534
  3. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP03%282013%29129

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