Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Successful participation in the international conference of young scientists

RNDr. Jan Čermák, PhD. has received award at the 3rd International Forum on Multidisciplinary Education and Research for Energy Science, held from 9th to 14th December 2010 on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan.

The ”best presentation“ award was given for the contribution “Scanning Probe Microscopy on Organic Heterostructures for Photovoltaics“, in which he used atomic force microscopy to measure structure and local electronic properties of mixed layers of fullerene and conductive polymer. These layers are now studied all over the world for their utilization for cheap photovoltaic solar energy conversion and new records of efficiency are often being announced. Research of Dr. Čermáka led to identification of the phase segregation of the components as one of the mechanisms limiting the efficiency.

Dr . Čermák has graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles university and defended a Ph.D. thesis in September 2010. Dr. Čermák presently works on research of organic semiconductors and nanostructures in the Institute of Physics AS CR.

The best presentation award winners (Jan Čermák is the first from the right).

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