Authors: Křížková, Alena, Hašková, Hana
The focus in the following article lies on the interconnection between employment and care in the Czech Republic. To begin with we present the institutional framework for gender equality that has been introduced in ...
Project of the University of Bremen, Institute Labour and Economy, Coordinator Dr. Jochen Tholen. Project was sponsored by Hans-Böckler-Foundation Düsseldorf and Otto Brenner Foundation Frankfurt/M – Berlin. The objective of the study are the industrial relations at plant/compan...
Project duration: 2003 - 2005
The research project focuses on the study of the political and civic participation of women in Central and Eastern Europe. It analyses the range and strategies of women’s involvement in political parties, NGOs, trade unions and social movements, and it also studies to what extent...
Project duration: 2003 - 2006
Authors: Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega, Miroslava Obadalová
The aim of the study is the evaluation of the financial affordability of owner-occupied and rental housing in the Czech Republic, the description of the trend during 1990s, and the comparison with selected EU countries. The common indicator of affordability of the rental housing...
Authors: Guasti, Petra, Jessie Hronešová, Zdenka Mansfeldová (eds.)
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
The central question addressed by this book is whether trade unions from the post-socialist states have successfully represented their interests at the EU level. The chapter deals with the trade unions in the Czech Republic and thein role in EU Governance. 
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Zdenka Mansfeldová
The text focuses on the impact of European integration on Czech party system. European integration has undoubtedly influenced Czech political parties, but the influence has neither been destabilizing nor instrumental in the formation of new parties. European issues, both in terms...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš, Jiří Kabele
Building upon a detailed study of the procedural arrangements and practices of Czech cabinet decision-making and law preparation in the years 1998–2004, the authors examine the question of whether the strategy of coping with legislative demands related to EU accession agend...
Authors: Císař, Ondřej, Kateřina Vráblíková
The goal of this paper is to analyze the impact the EU has had on Czech women‟s groups since the 1990s. Drawing on both Europeanization and social movement theories, the first section defines the theoretical standpoint of the paper. The second section is focused on the impact of...
Authors: Lyons, Pat
In this article, a comparison is made between economic and identity explanations of preferences toward EU membership in the Czech Republic. This research demonstrates that economics rather then identity is a more powerful explanation of public opinion toward accession. The result...
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Nagy, B., Mrčela Kanjuo, A.
In this article we compare the models of economic transition that have influenced changes in legislation and employment andsocial policies and have an impact on gender equality in the labour markets of three post-sociali...
13. 10. 2005
ELITY A ROZŠÍŘENÍ EU, Praha 17.-18. 2. 2006, třetí z řady šesti mezinárodních workshopů networku pro výzkum elit, na téma: Resistence a podpora veřejnosti pro různé typy integrace do EU mezi novými členskými zeměmi ze střední a východní Evropy.
Cílem projektu je analyzovat socio-ekonomické hodnoty a normy chování české populace v procesu přibližování standardům zemí EU. Vstup České republiky do EU se totiž netýká jen právní a ekonomické oblasti, ale také běžných pracovních a spotřebních návyků, chování institucí a posto...
Project duration: 2002 - 2004
Authors: Frič, Pavol a kol.
The book contains the structured web of more than one hundred scenarios for the Czech Republic strategic behavior in European Union. The scenarios are deided into four broad fields: politics, cosial cohesion, institutions and globalization. 
Authors: Křížková, Alena
The article deals with the phenomenon of the sexual harassment in the working place in the Czech Republic. The authors analyze sexual harassment as one of effects of men’s symbolic power over women causing cultural misrecognition of women and at the same time as one of fact...
Authors: Křížková, Alena
První číslo letošního čtvrtletníku Gender – rovné příležitosti – výzkum věnujeme převážně rekapitulaci nejvýznamnějších titulů, které u nás na téma genderu v poslední době vyšly a o kterých jsme Vás ještě neinformovaly. Chceme tímto způsobem ukázat, jak se genderová l...
