Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Tue, 04/03/2014 - 10:00 - 11:00

Jiří Červenka (School of Physics, The University of Melbourne)

Graphene's two dimensional nature, highly sensitive unique electrical properties and low intrinsic noise characteristics make it a prime candidate for the creation of a new generation of molecular sensors. Despite of high sensitivity of graphene sensors, their selectivity remains a major problem for their practical use. In this talk I present different strategies for selective sensing using graphene-based sensors.

Tue, 04/03/2014 - 13:00 - 14:00

Katharina J. Franke (Freie Universität Berlin)

The magnetic properties of atoms and molecules on a surface are significantly affected by details in the atomic-scale surrounding. Manipulation of this surrounding provides the possibility to tune the electronic and magnetic functionality of surfaces on a nanometer scale. Using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS), we show that the lifetime of excited spin states in the paramagnetic Fe-Octaethylporphyrin-Chloride (FeOEP-Cl) is orders of magnitude longer when the molecule is adsorbed on a superconductor as compared to a normal metal substrate.

Tue, 04/03/2014 - 15:00

Karel Carva (Oddělení teoretické fyziky, katedry fyziky kondenzovaných látek, MFF UK)

Abstract: In recent years it has been demonstrated that magnetization can be changed without applying an external magnetic field in extremely short timescales of the order of hundreds of femtoseconds [1]. We have studied the effect by means of ab initio calculations for three ferromagnetic metals Fe, Co and Ni [2] considering the Elliott-Yafet electron-phonon spin-flip (SF) scattering [3] which has been suggested to be the dominant microscopic mechanism.

Thu, 06/03/2014 - 10:00 - 11:00

Kristin Poduska (Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)

Electrochemical methods are widely applied to metal film deposition in industrial and high-tech settings, but the market share for semiconductor films produced using electrochemistry is dramatically less. At the same time, a large fraction of semiconductor-based devices rely on applied voltages for their operation, which means that electrochemical processes could occur in these devices wherever there exists an interface between an electron conductor (such as a semiconductor) and an ion conductor (such as water).

Past Seminars

Marek Taševský FCC – Future Circular Collider Study - information from the Kick-off workshop 27.02.2014 14:00
František Máca The influence of adsorbates on the magnetic structure of the Fe/Ir(001) surface 25.02.2014 15:00
Prof. Shuji Sakabe Research activities of Laboratory for Laser-Matter Science, Institute for Chemical Research 21.02.2014 11:50
Prof. Lalit M. Kukreja Laser Surface Modifications and Additive Manufacturing: Recent Developments at RRCAT 21.02.2014 11:00
Dr. Al Erlandson Energetics Modeling and Slit Filters for Diode- Pumped Solid-State Lasers 21.02.2014 09:50
Dr. Hiromitsu Kiriyama Progress towards ultra-high intensity laser 21.02.2014 09:00
Gunther Eggeler On the use of advanced transmission electron microscopy for characterizing elementary transformation and deformation processes in shape memory alloys and high temperature materials 18.02.2014 14:00
Robert Král Study of crystal growth by directional crystallization methods 11.02.2014 13:00
Lukáš Ondič Silicon nanocrystals, photonic structures and optical gain 06.02.2014 15:00
Jiří Chudoba, Oldřich Kepka ATLAS experiment data processing at the Goliáš computer farm 06.02.2014 14:00
Balazs Ujfalussy Quasiparticle spectrum of superconductor-normal metal heterojunctions 06.02.2014 10:00
Jan Mašek and Jakub Železný Electronic Structure of MnTe: Restrospective and News 04.02.2014 15:00
Jindřich Kolorenč Kvantové Monte Carlo simulace elektronové struktury pevných látek 04.02.2014 10:00
Michal Malinský Baryon and lepton number violation in the Standard Model and beyond 29.01.2014 14:00
Egbert Zojer Using Quantum-Mechanical Modelling to Understand the Role of Interfaces in Organic Electronics 28.01.2014 10:00
Tomáš Laštovička News from the LCWS 2013 Conference - latest news about the ILC collider construction in Japan 16.01.2014 14:00
Victor M. García-Suárez Thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions 14.01.2014 10:00
J. Kulveit Beyond Classical Nucleation Theory 07.01.2014 13:00
Petr Vopěnka Full rehabilitation of the calculus infinitesimalis by Newton and Leibniz 17.12.2013 15:00
Nora Abdellaoui Design of plasmonic rare earth phosphor films by Pulsed Laser Deposition 17.12.2013 10:00
Martina Boháčová Cosmic rays detection methods - fluorescence and microwave 12.12.2013 14:00
Ruslan Temirov How much control over single molecules could one get with the junction of a scanning probe microscope? 10.12.2013 10:00
A.J. Weymouth Tabletop AFM, and, an interesting observation when probing forces and currents 03.12.2013 10:00
Dr. Pawel Perkovski & Dr. Wiktor Piecek 1) Relaxation modes close to SmA* - SmCa* phase transitions + 2) Optically addressed diffractive structures 03.12.2013 10:00
Peter Markoš Numerical Analysis of Anderson localization 29.11.2013 10:00
Viktor Holubec Theoretical description of non-equilibrium energy transformation processes on the level of molecular structures 26.11.2013 15:00
Jeongsu Lee Nodal “ground states” and orbital textures in semiconductor quantum dots 26.11.2013 13:00
Prof. Bernard Hehlen Peculiarity of the low frequency dynamics of ferroelectric relaxors 19.11.2013 10:00
Prof. Sean Li Self-assembly of CeO2 Nanocubes: New Approach for the Development of Resistive Random Access Memory Devices 15.11.2013 14:00
E. Mihóková, P. Novák Crystal field and magnetism with Wannier functions: rare-earth ions in garnets, manganites and cobaltates 14.11.2013 14:00

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