Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

Český rozhlas Leonardo, 28.2.2014.

V pondělním Magazínu...

Nadační fond Neuron, 10.2.2014.

Profesor Velický vybudoval a...

Videokanál Střediska společných činností Akademia věd ČR, 3.2.2014....

21. století, 20.1.2014.

Českým fyzikům se pomocí světelného...

Přírůstky knihovního fondu Slovanka 2006

A 1
PIŤHA, Petr : Výchova, naděje společnosti
České Budějovice : Poustevník, 2006
39 921

The philosophy of Karl Popper / ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp Illinois : Open Court Publishing Company, 1974
( The library of living philosophers ; Vol. 14 )
39 977

A 2
KREMPASKÝ, Július : Veda verzus viera?
Bratislava : VEDA, 2006
39 869

CHARVÁT, Josef : Můj labyrint světa : vzpomínky, zápisky z deníků
Praha : Galén, 2005
( edice Almanach medicíny. Sv. 10 )
39 920

Jan Hladký : Tusche und Glas = Kresby tuší a sklo = China ink and glass / ed. Pedro Waloschek
Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, 2006
39 962

SIMON, Julian Lincoln : Největší bohatství
Brno : Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2006
39 985

LOMBORG, Bjorn : Skeptický ekolog : jaký je skutečný stav světa?
Praha : Dokořán, Liberální institut, 2006
39 986

When worlds converge : what science and religion tell us about the story of the Universe and our place in it / eds. Clifford N. Matthews, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Philip Hefner
Chicago : Open Court Publishing Company, 2002
40 016

Cosmic beginnings and human ends : where science and religion meet / eds. Clifford N. Matthews, Roy Abraham Varghese
Chicago : Open Court Publishing Company, 1995
40 017

Science and theology : ruminatons on the cosmos / eds. Chris Impey, Catherine Petry
Notre Dame : The University of Notre Dame Press, (2002)
40 018

A 4
ŠARACHOVÁ, Gabriela V. : České země v evropských dějinách. Díl 1. Do roku 1492
Praha, Litomyšl : Paseka, 2006
40 093

BĚLINA, Pavel - KAŠE, Jiří - KUČERA, Jan P. : České země v evropských dějinách. Díl 2. 1492-1756
Praha, Litomyšl : Paseka, 2006
40 094

BĚLINA, Pavel - KAŠE, Jiří - KUČERA, Jan P. : České země v evropských dějinách. Díl 3. 1756-1918
Praha, Litomyšl : Paseka, 2006
40 095

CUHRA, Jaroslav et al. : České země v evropských dějinách. Díl 4. Od roku 1918
Praha, Litomyšl : Paseka, 2006
40 096

A 6
2006 Britannica book of the year : events of 2005 / ed. Karen Jacobs Sparks
Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2005
( Britannica book of the year )
39 923

Ottova encyklopedie Česká republika. Sv. 1 : Příroda. Zeměpis.
Praha : Ottovo nakladatelství, 2006
40 025

Ottova encyklopedie Česká republika. Sv. 2 : Kultura a umění.
Praha : Ottovo nakladatelství, 2006
40 026

Ottova encyklopedie Česká republika. Sv. 3 : Památky. Lidová kultura. Sport.
Praha : Ottovo nakladatelství, 2006
40 027

Ottova encyklopedie Česká republika. Sv. 4 : Historie. Stát. Společnost.
Praha : Ottovo nakladatelství, 2006
40 028

Ottova encyklopedie Česká republika. Sv. 5 : Věda, technika a vzdělávání. Rejstřík.
Praha : Ottovo nakladatelství, 2006
40 029

B 5
CALDECOTT, Keith W. : Eukaryotic DNA damage surveillance and repair
New York : Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2004
40 045

B 6
SONNTAG, Clemens von : Free-radical-induced DNA damage and its repair : a chemical perspective
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
39 906

B 7
KHAN, Faiz M. : Treatment planning in radiation oncology
Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007
40 052

ATTIX, Frank Herbert : Introduction to radiological physics and radiation dosimetry
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2004
40 053

HALL, Eric J. - AMATO, J. Giaccia : Radiobiology for the radiologist
Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006
40 054

C 1.2
MANAA, M. Riad : Chemistry at extreme conditions
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005
40 069

C 3.8
Isotope effects in chemistry and biology / eds. Amnon Kohen, Hans-Heinrich Limbach
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2006
40 068

F 1.1
Fyzik Václav Dolejšek (1895-1945) / eds. Emílie Těšínská et al.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2005
39 883

THIRRING, Walter : Kosmische Impressionen : Gottes Spuren in den Naturgesetzen
Wien : Molden Verlag, 2004
39 901

DVOŘÁK, Rudolf : Ernst Mach : fyzik a filozof
Praha : Prometheus, 2005
( Velké postavy vědeckého nebe ; Sv. 14 )
39 903

ŠTEFL, Vladimír : Klaudios Ptolemaios : tvůrce geocentrické soustavy
Praha : Prometheus, 2005
( Velké postavy vědeckého nebe ; Sv. 15 )
39 904

WILCZEK, Frank : Fantastic realities : 49 mind journeys and a trip to Stockholm
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
39 914

The new physics for the twenty-first century / ed. Gordon Fraser
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006
39 917

Dubna. Ostrov stabiµnosti : očerki po istorii Objedinennogo instituta jadernych issledovanij (1956-2006 gg.) / red. V. G. Kadyševskij, A. N. Sisakjan, C. D. Vylov
Moskva : Akademkniga, 2006
39 935

The arguments of time / ed. Jeremy Butterfield
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006
39 965

MÖLLER, Christian - RASMUSSEN, Ebbe ; přeložil Ladislav Heger : Od atomu k atomové bombě : s předmluvou profesora Nielse Bohra = [Orig.: Atomer og andre smaating]
Praha : Nakladatelské družstvo Máje, 1947
39 984

Hans Bethe and his physics / eds. Gerald E. Brown, Chang-Hwan Lee
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
40 010

PAIS, Abraham : J. Robert Oppenheimer : a life
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006
40 020

WEIZSÄCKER, Carl Friedrich von : The structure of physics / eds. Thomas Görnitz, Holger Lyre
Dordrecht : Springer, 2006
( Fundamental theories of physics ; Vol. 155 )
40 023

ANDERSON, Philip Warren : A carrer in theoretical physics
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2004
( World scientific series in 20th century physics ; Vol. 35 )
40 040

CREASE, Robert P. - MANN, Charles C. : The second creation : makers of the revolution in twentieth-century physics
New York : Macmillian Publishing Company, 1986
40 072

CORRY, Leo : David Hilbert and the axiomatization of physics (1898-1918) : from Grundlagen der Geometrie to
Grundlagen der Physik
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
( Archimedes ; Vol. 10 )
40 079

FRIEDJUNG, Michael : Putting soul into science
Lincoln : iUniverse, Inc., 2003
40 090

F 1.2
Einstein´s miraculous year : five papers that changed the face of physics / ed. John Stachel
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2005
39 864

CHANDRASEKHAR, S. : Newton´s principia for the common reader
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2005
39 877

ADLER, Stephen L. : Adventures in theoretical physics : selected papers with commentaries
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
( World scientific series in 20th century physics ; Vol. 37 )
39 892

YANG, Chen Ning : Selected papers (1945-1980) with commentary
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2005
( World scientific series in 20th century physics ; Vol. 36 )
39 893

F 1.3
POHL, R. W. : Vvedenije v mechaniku i akustiku
Moskva : Gosudarstvennoje techniko-teoretičeskoje izdateľstvo, 1933
39 848

SOMMERFELD, Arnold : Elektrodinamika
Moskva : Izdatelstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1958
40 005

SOMMERFELD, Arnold : Termodinamika i statističeskaja fizika
Moskva : Izdateµstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1955
40 006

F 1.4
Encyclopedia of nonlinear science / ed. Alwyn Scott
New York : Routledge, 2005
39 887

Výkladový slovník fyziky : pro základní vysokoškolský kurz / eds. Erika Mechlová, Karel Košťál
Praha : Prometheus, 1999
40 101

F 1.7
ENNS, Richard H. : Computer algebra recipes for mathematical physics
Boston : Birkhäuser, 2005
39 945

F 1.8
WOIT, Peter : Not even wrong : the failure of string theory and the search for unity in physical law
New York : Basic Books, 2006
40 049

KRAUSS, Lawrence : Hiding in the mirror : the mysterious allure of extra dimensions, from Plato to string theory and beyond
New York : Viking Penguin, 2005
40 050

SMOLIN, Lee : The trouble with physics : the rise of string theory, the fall of a science, and what comes next
New York : Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006
40 051

F 2.1
MANNHEIM, Philip D. : Brane-localized gravity
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2005
39 889

SUSSKIND, Leonard - LINDESAY, James : An introduction to black holes, information and the string theory
revolution : the holographic Universe
Singapore : World Scientific, 2005
39 900

WESSON, Paul S. : Five-dimensional physics : classical and quantum consequences of Kaluza-Klein cosmology
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
40 009

KIEFER, Claus : Quantum gravity
New York : Oxford University Press, 2004
( International series of monographs on physics ; Vol. 124 )
40 034

STEPHANI, Hans et al. : Exact solutions of Einstein´s field equations
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003
( Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics )
40 084

100 years of gravity and accelerated frames : the deepest insights of Einstein and Yang-Mills / eds. Jong-Ping Hsu, Dana Fine
New Jersey : World Scientific Publishing, 2005
( Advanced series on theoretical physical science ; Vol. 9 )
40 089

F 2.2
KIBBLE, Tom W. B. - BERKSHIRE, Frank H. : Classical mechanics
London : Imperial College Press, 2004
39 888

HOYLE, Rebecca B. : Pattern formation : an introduction to methods
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006
39 918

FILIPPOV, Alexandre T. : The versatile soliton
Boston : Birkhäuser, 2000
40 080

F 2.3
VOTRUBA, Václav : Teorie elektromagnetického pole
Praha : Československá akademie věd, 1958
39 972

AFANASIEV, G. N. : Vavilov-Cherenkov and synchrotron radiation : foundations and applications
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
40 081

F 2.4
Quantum [un]speakables : from Bell to quantum information / eds. Reinhold A. Bertlmann, Anton Zeilinger
Berlin : Springer, 2002
39 879

KLÍMA, Jan - ŠIMURDA, Miroslav : Sbírka problémů z kvantové teorie
Praha : Academia, 2006
39 911

PILKUHN, Hartmut M. : Relativistic quantum mechanics
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2005
( Texts and monographs in physics )
39 947

Entangled world : the fascination of quantum information and computation / ed. Jürgen Audretsch
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2006
39 968

MIGDAL, Arkadij B. : Qualitative methods in quantum theory
New York : Westview Press, 1977
40 064

FORMÁNEK, Jiří : Úvod do kvantové teorie. Část 1.
Praha : Academia, 2004
40 075

FORMÁNEK, Jiří : Úvod do kvantové teorie. Část 2.
Praha : Academia, 2004
40 076

F 2.5
BINDER, Kurt - KOB, Walter : Glassy materials and disordered solids : an introduction to their statistical mechanics
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2005
39 847

BRUUS, Henrik - FLENSBERG, Karsten : Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics : an introduction
New York : Oxford University Press, Inc., 2004
39 896

NEWMAN, Mark E. J. - BARKEMA, Gerard T. : Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics
New York : Oxford University Press, Inc., 1999
39 897

SETHNA, James P. : Statistical mechanics : entropy, order parameters, and complexity
New York : Oxford University Press, Inc., 2006
( Oxford master series in physics ; Vol. 14 )
39 905

WEN, Xiao-Gang : Quantum field theory of many-body systems : from the origin of sound to an origin of light and electrons
New York : Oxford University Press, Inc., 2004
39 941

MCCOMB, W. D. : Renormalization methods : a guide for beginners
New York : Oxford University Press, 2004
39 948

SADOVSKII, Michael V. : Diagrammatics : lectures on selected problems in condensed matter theory
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
40 008

KRAUTH, Werner : Statistical mechanics : algorithms and computations
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006
( Oxford master series in physics ; Vol. 13 )
40 019

LIGGETT, Thomas M. : Interacting particle systems
Berlin : Springer, 2005
40 032

KLEINERT, Hagen : Path integrals in quantum mechanics, statistics, polymer physics, and financial markets
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
40 039

VLASOV, A. A. : Statističeskije funkcii raspredelenija
Moskva : Nauka, 1966
40 056

ABRIKOSOV, A. A. - GORKOV, L. P. - DZYALOSHINSKI, I. E. : Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics
New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 1975
40 065

F 3.1
ŽÁČEK, Josef : Úvod do fyziky elementárních částic
Praha : Karolinum, 2005
39 884

ROTHE, Heinz J. : Lattice gauge theories : an introduction
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2005
( World scientific lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 74 )
39 894

GREENE, Brian : Struktura vesmíru : čas, prostor a povaha reality
Praha, Litomyšl : Paseka, 2006
39 910

TERNING, John : Modern supersymmetry : dynamics and duality
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006
( International series of monographs on physics ; Vol. 132 )
39 943

GREENE, Brian : Struktura vesmíru : čas, prostor a povaha reality
Praha, Litomyšl : Paseka, 2006
39 963

GREENE, Brian : The fabric of the cosmos : space, time, and the texture of reality
New York : Vintage Books, 2004
39 970

MAGGIORE, Michele : A modern introduction to quantum field theory
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005
( Oxford master series in physics ; Vol. 12 )
39 992

FUJIKAWA, Kazuo - SUZUKI, Hiroshi : Path integrals and quantum anomalies
New York : Oxford University Press, 2004
( International series of monographs on physics ; Vol. 122 )
40 033

VACHASPATI, Tanmay : Kinks and domain walls : an introduction to classical and quantum solitons
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006
40 038

BECKER, Katrin : String theory and M-theory
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007
40 063

GEORGI, Howard : Lie algebras in particle physics : from isospin to unified theories
Boulder : Westview Press, 1999
( Frontiers in physics ; Vol. 54 )
40 071

PICKERING, Andrew : Constructing quarks : a sociological history of particle physics
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1984
40 073

STEINMANN, Othmar : Perturbative quantum electrodynamics and axiomatic field theory
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000
( Texts and monographs in physics )
40 082

KETOV, Sergei V. : Quantum non-linear sigma-models : from quantum field theory to supersymmetry, conformal field theory,
black holes and strings
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2000
( Texts and monographs in physics )
40 083

Gribov memorial volume : quarks, hadrons, and strong interactions / eds. Yu L. Dokshitzer, P. Lévai, J. Nyíri
New Jersey : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
40 088

F 4.1
BROOKER, Geoffrey : Modern classical optics
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003
( Oxford master series in physics ; Vol. 8 )
39 942

F 4.2
BAND, Yehuda B. : Light and matter : electromagnetism, optics, spectroscopy and lasers
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2006
39 955

EUV sources for lithography / ed. Vivek Bakshi
Bellingham : SPIE, 2006
39 988

F 4.3
GEARY, Joseph M. : Introduction to wavefront sensors
Bellingham : SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1995
( Tutorial texts in optical engineering ; Vol. TT18 )
39 871

F 4.4
GIBBON, Paul : Short pulse laser interactions with matter : an introduction
London : Imperial College Press, 2005
39 890

GIBBON, Paul : Short pulse laser interactions with matter : an introduction
London : Imperial College Press, 2005
39 891

FOX, Mark : Quantum optics : an introduction
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006
( Oxford master series in physics ; Vol. 15 )
39 902

DIELS, Jean-Claude - RUDOLPH, Wolfgang : Ultrashort laser pulse phenomena : fundamentals, techniques, and applications on a femtosecond time scale
San Diego : Academic Press, 2006
40 036

F 4.5
BRDIČKA, Miroslav - SAMEK, Ladislav - SOPKO, Bruno : Mechanika kontinua
Praha : Academia, 2005
( Česká matice technická ; č. 503 )
39 912

BELYTSCHKO, Ted - LIU, Wing Kam - MORAN, Brian : Nonlinear finite elements for continua and structures
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2000
39 978

ZIENKIEWICZ, O. C. - TAYLOR, R. L. - ZHU, J. Z. : The finite element method : its basis and fundamentals
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005
39 983

SIMO, J. C. - HUGHES, T. J. R. : Computational inelasticity
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1998
( Interdisciplinary applied mathematics ; Vol. 7 )
39 990

F 5.1
FOOT, Christopher J. : Atomic physics
New York : Oxford University Press, 2005
( Oxford master series in physics ; Vol. 7 )
40 078

F 5.2
KUO, Kenneth K. : Principles of combustion
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005
39 862

FORTOV, Vladimir E. - IAKUBOV, Igor T. : The physics of non-ideal plasma
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2000
39 915

BELLAN, Paul M. : Fundamentals of plasma physics
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006
39 916

DRAKE, R. Paul : High-energy-density physics : fundamentals, inertial fusion, and experimental astrophysics
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Shock wave and high pressure phenomena )
39 940

KRUER, William L. : The physics of laser plasma interactions
Boulder : Westview Press, 2003
( Frontiers in physics ; Vol. 73 )
40 003

McCRACKEN, Garry - STOTT, Peter : Fúze - energie vesmíru
Praha : Mladá fronta, 2006
( Edice Kolumbus ; Sv. 183 )
40 070

DRAKE, R. Paul : High-energy-density physics : fundamentals, inertial fusion, and experimental astrophysics
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Shock wave and high pressure phenomena )
40 000

ZEŠDOVICH, Yakov Borisovich - RAIZER, Yu. P. : Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena
Mineola : Dover Publications, Inc., 2002
40 001

MIHALAS, Dimitri - MIHALAS-WEIBEL Barbara : Foundations of radiation hydrodynamics
Mineola : Dover Publications, Inc., 1999
40 002

WARNATZ, Jürgen - MAAS, Ulrich - DIBBLE, Robert W. : Combustion : physical and chemical fundamentals, modeling and simulation, experiments, pollutant formation
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
40 044

F 6.1
STEWART, Iain W. : The static and dynamic continuum theory of liquid crystals : a mathematical introduction
London : Taylor & Francis, 2004
( The liquid crystals book series )
39 875

HAMMOND, Christopher : The basics of crystallography and diffraction, second edition
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006
( IUCr texts on crystallography ; Vol. 5 )
39 876

OSWALD, Patrick - PIERANSKI, Pawel : Nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals : concepts and physical properties illustrated
by experiments
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2005
( The liquid crystals book series )
39 880

OSWALD, Patrick - PIERANSKI, Pawel : Smectic and columnar liquid crystals : concepts and physical properties illustrated by experiments
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2006
( The liquid crystals book series )
39 881

VALVODA, Václav : Krystalografie : atomová struktura látek a její určování
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2005
39 882

TAKATOH, Kohki et al. : Alignment technologies and applications of liquid crystal devices
London : Taylor & Francis, 2005
( The liquid crystals book series )
39 885

COLLINGS, Peter J. - HIRD, Michael : Introduction to liquid crystals : chemistry and physics
London : Taylor & Francis, 1997
( The liquid crystals book series )
39 886

GIACOVAZZO, Carmelo : Direct phasing in crystallography : fundamentals and applications
New York : Oxford University Press, 1998
( IUCr monographs on crystallography ; Vol. 8 )
39 907

Fundamentals of crystallography / ed. Carmelo Giacovazzo
New York : Oxford University Press, 2002
( IUCr texts on crystallography ; Vol. 7 )
39 908

JÁKLI, Antal - SAUPE, Alfred : One- and two- dimensional fluids : properties of smectic, lamellar and columnar liquid crystals
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2006
( Series in condensed matter physics )
39 937

WEAIRE, Denis - HUTZLER, Stefan : The physics of foams
New York : Oxford University Press, 1999
40 067

KROUPA, František - MACHOVÁ, Anna : Fyzika kovů I. : Teorie dislokací
Praha : ČVUT, 1988
39 865

BULATOV, Vasily V. - CAI, Wei : Computer simulations of dislocations
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006
( Oxford series on materials modelling ; Vol. 3 )
40 031

KOHL, Manfred : Shape memory microactuators
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004
39 878

PRIESTER, Louisette : Les joints de grains : de la théorie á l'ingénierie
Les Ulis Cedex A : EDP Sciences, 2006
39 922

KURSA, Miroslav et al. : Paměťové materiály Ni-Ti-Me a možnosti řízení jejich transformačních charakteristik
Ostrava : VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2005
40 055

F 6.4
Handbook of materials modeling. Part A : methods / ed. Sidney Yip
Dordrecht : Springer, 2005
39 973

Handbook of materials modeling. Part B : methods / ed. Sidney Yip
Dordrecht : Springer, 2005
39 974

SMITH, Ralph C. : Smart material systems : model development
Philadelphia : SIAM, 2005
39 979

F 6.5
THOMAS, Tom R. : Rough surfaces
London : Imperial College Press, 1999
39 899

BUTT, Hans Jürgen - GRAF, Karlheinz - KAPPL, Michael : Physics and chemistry of interfaces
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2006
39 959

HU, W. R. - TANG, Z. M. : Floating zone convection : in crystal growth modeling
Beijing : Science Press, 2003
39 981

Marangoni and interfacial phenomena in materials processing : originating from contributions to a discussion of the Royal Society of London / eds. E. D. Hondros, M. McLean, K. C. Mills
London : IOM Communications, 1998
39 982

F 7.1
KRAUS, Ivo - FRANK, Helmar - KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Irena : Úvod do fyziky pevných látek
Praha : ČVUT, 2001
39 873

Concepts in spin electronics / ed. Sadamichi Maekawa
New York : Oxford University Press, 2006
( Series on semiconductor science and technology ; Vol. 13 )
39 944

VASKO, Fedir T. - RAICHEV, Oleg E. : Quantum kinetic theory and applications : electrons, photons, phonons
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2005
39 946

GANTMAKHER, V. F. : Electrons and disorder in solids
New York : Oxford University Press, 2005
( International series of monographs on physics ; Vol. 130 )
39 949

HIROSE, Kikuji et al. : First-principles calculations in real-space formalism : electronic configurations and transport properties of nanostructures
London : Imperial College Press, 2005
39 952

Introduction to computational methods in many body physics / eds. Michael Bonitz, Dirk Semkat
New Jersey : Rinton Press, 2006
39 976

IBACH, Harald - LÜTH, Hans : Solid-state physics : an introduction to principles of materials science
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003
39 998

DATTA, Supriyo : Quantum transport : atom to transistor
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006
40 011

Topology in ordered phases / eds. Satoshi Tanda et al.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
40 037

KOHANOFF, Jorge : Electronic structure calculations for solids and molecules : theory and computational methods
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006
40 041

F 7.4
Handbook of superconducting materials. Vol. 1 : superconductivity, materials and processes / eds. David A. Cardwell, David S. Ginley
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003
40 091

Handbook of superconducting materials. Vol. 2 : characterization, applications and cryogenics / eds. David A. Cardwell, David S. Ginley
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003
40 092

F 7.5
O´HANDLEY, Robert C. : Modern magnetic materials : principles and applications
New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000
39 913

MATTIS, Daniel C. : The theory of magnetism made simple : an introduction to physical concepts and to some useful mathematical methods
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2006
40 007

FIORILLO, Fausto : Measurement and characterization of magnetic materials
( Elsevier series in electromagnetism )
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004
40 012

Nanomagnetism : ultrathin films, multilayers and nanostructures / eds. D. L. Mills, J. A. C. Bland
( Contemporary concepts of condensed matter science )
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2006
40 077

F 7.6
PAGONIS, Vasilis - KITIS, George, FURETTA, Claudio : Numerical and practical exercises in thermoluminescence
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2006
39 950

BÖTTER-Jensen, Lars - McKEEVER, Stephen W. S. - WINTLE, Ann G. : Optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2003
39 951

F 7.7
MANTESE, Joseph V. - ALPAY, S. Pamir : Graded ferroelectrics, transpacitors and transponents
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2005
( Multifunctional thin film series )
39 870

F 7.8
KALVODA, Ladislav - PARSHIN, Anatoly : Vybraná témata z fyziky povrchů : vícevrstevné systémy a tenké organické filmy
Praha : ČVUT, 2000
39 872

F 7.9
LIEBERMAN, Michael A. - LICHTENBERG, Allan J. : Principles of plasma discharges and materials processing
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005
39 957

F 8.1
The physics and technology of ion sources / ed. Ian G. Brown
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2004
39 956

Scanning probe microscopies beyond imaging : manipulation of molecules and nanostructures / ed. Paolo Samori
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2006
39 960

MARGARITONDO, Giorgio : Elements of synchrotron light : for biology, chemistry, and medical research
New York : Oxford University Press, 2002
39 964

GUINIER, André : X-ray diffraction in crystals, imperfect crystals, and amorphous bodies
New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 1994
39 980

FULTZ, Brent - HOWE, James M. : Transmission electron microscopy and diffractometry of materials
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2002
39 996

F 8.2
BORDO, Vladimir G. - RUBAHN, Horst-Günter : Optics and spectroscopy at surfaces and interfaces
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2005
39 860

CREMERS, David A. - RADZIEMSKI, Leon J. : Handbook of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2006
39 938
GIBBON, Paul : Short pulse laser interactions with matter : an introduction
London : Imperial College Press, 2005
40 004

F 9.1
TIELENS, A. G. G. M. : The physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005
39 863

GRYGAR, Jiří - GRÜN, Marcel, RAMEŠOVÁ, Stanislava : Trialog o mimozemšťanech
Praha, Litomyšl : Paseka, 2006
39 874

Meteorites, comets and planets / ed. A. M. Davis
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005
39 931

SUSSKIND, Leonard : The cosmic landscape : string theory and the illusion of intelligent design
New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2006
39 969

PERKINS, Donald H. : Particle astrophysics
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003
( Oxford master series in physics ; Vol. 10 )
39 991

SHAW, Andrew M. : Astrochemistry : from astronomy to astrobiology
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2006
40 046

PAGELS, Heinz R. : Perfect symmetry : the search for the beginning of time
New York : Simon and Schuster, 1985
40 074

F 9.2
HOLLAND, Heinrich D. : The chemical evolution of the atmosphere and oceans
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1984
( Princeton series in geochemistry )
39 939

HOEFS, Jochen : Stable isotope geochemistry
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004
40 106

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DEMEL, Jiří : Grafy a jejich aplikace
Praha : Academia, 2002
39 895

BOLLOBÁS, Béla : Modern graph theory
New York : Springer-Verlag, 1998
( Graduate texts in mathematics ; Vol. 184 )
39 924

The structure and dynamics of networks / eds. Mark Newman, Albert-László Barabási, Duncan J. Watts
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2006
39 925

The complex networks of economic interactions : essays in agent-based economics and econophysics / eds. Akira Namatame, Taisei Kaizouji, Yuuji Aruka
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems ; Vol. 567 )
39 933

BOLLOBÁS, Béla : Random graphs
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001
( Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics ; Vol. 73 )
39 934

APOSTOL, Tom M. : Introduction to analytic number theory
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 1976
40 035

M 1.2
MUIR, Thomas : A treatise on the theory of determinants
New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 2003
39 975

M 1.6
MESSER, Robert - STRAFFIN, Philip : Topology now!
Washington : The Mathematical Association of America, 2006
40 085

M 2.0
Encyclopedia of mathematical physics. Vol. 1 A-C / eds. Jean-Pierre Francoise, Gregory L. Naber, Tsou Sheung Tsun
Amsterdam : Elsevieer, 2006
39 926

Encyclopedia of mathematical physics. Vol. 2 D-H / eds. Jean-Pierre Francoise, Gregory L. Naber, Tsou Sheung Tsun
Amsterdam : Elsevieer, 2006
39 927

Encyclopedia of mathematical physics. Vol. 3 I-O / eds. Jean-Pierre Francoise, Gregory L. Naber, Tsou Sheung Tsun
Amsterdam : Elsevieer, 2006
39 928

Encyclopedia of mathematical physics. Vol. 4 P-Sp / eds. Jean-Pierre Francoise, Gregory L. Naber, Tsou Sheung Tsun
Amsterdam : Elsevieer, 2006
39 929

Encyclopedia of mathematical physics. Vol. 5 St-Z, index / eds. Jean-Pierre Francoise, Gregory L. Naber, Tsou Sheung Tsun
Amsterdam : Elsevieer, 2006
39 930

REKTORYS, Karel a spol. : Přehled užité matematiky 1
Praha : Prometheus, 2000
40 097

REKTORYS, Karel a spol. : Přehled užité matematiky 2
Praha : Prometheus, 2000
40 098

KVASNICA, Jozef : Matematický aparát fyziky
Praha : Academia, 1997
40 099

M 2.1
JARNÍK, Vojtěch : Diferenciální počet I.
Praha : Academia, 1984
40 057

JARNÍK, Vojtěch : Diferenciální počet II.
Praha : Academia, 1984
40 058

JARNÍK, Vojtěch : Integrální počet II.
Praha : Academia, 1976
40 059

M 2.2
ČERNÝ, Ilja : Analýza v komplexním oboru
Praha : Academia, 1983
40 061

M 2.3
JARNÍK, Vojtěch : Diferenciální rovnice v komplexním oboru
Praha : Academia, 1975
40 060

M 2.6
ANDREWS, George E. - ASKEY, Richard - ROY, Ranjan : Special functions
New York : Cambridge University Press, 1999
( Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications ; Vol. 71 )
39 954

M 2.7
ISMAIL, Mourad E. H. : Classical and quantum orthogonal polynomials in one variable
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005
( Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications ; Vol. 98 )
39 953

M 3.1
LIGGETT, Thomas M. : Stochastic interacting systems : contact, voter and exclusion processes
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999
40 043

M 4.1
PRESS, William H. et al. : Numerical recipes in C : the art of scientific computing
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992
39 898

BRENNER, Susanne C. - SCOTT, L. Ridgway : The mathematical theory of finite element methods
New York : Springer-Verlag, 2002
( Text in applied mathematics ; Vol. 15 )
39 989

MARČUK, G. I. : Metody numerické matematiky
Praha : Academia, 1987
40 062

M 5.3
BARTSCH, Hans-Jochen : Matematické vzorce
Praha : Academia, 2006
40 100

M 5.4
GOLDSTEINOVÁ, Rebecca : Neúplnost : důkaz a paradox Kurta Gödela
Praha : Dokořán, Argo, 2005
( Velké objevy ; Sv. 3 )
39 909

LIVIO, Mario : Zlatý řez : příběh fí, nejpodivuhodnějšího čísla na světě
Praha : Argo, Dokořán, 2006
39 987

New vistas in dusty plasmas / eds. L. Boufendi, M. Mikikian, P. K. Shukla
New York : American Institute of physics, 2005
( AIP conference proceedings. Vol. 799 )
39 845

Topology in condensed matter / ed. Michail Ilych Monastyrsky
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Springer series in solid-state sciences. Vol. 150 )
39 846

Hvězdářská ročenka 2006. Ročník 82. / red. Pavel Příhoda a kol.
Praha : Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. m. Prahy, Astronomický ústav AV ČR, 2005
39 851

Annual review of nuclear and particle science. Vol. 55 / eds. Boris Kayser, Barry R. Holstein, Abolhassan Jawahery
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2005
( Annual review of nuclear and particle science ; Vol. 55 )
39 852

Magnetism and structure in functional materials / eds. Antoni Planes, Lluís Maňosa, Avadh Saxena
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2005
( Springer series in materials science ; Vol. 79 )
39 853

JAEGLÉ, Pierre : Coherent sources of XUV radiation : soft X-ray lasers and high-order harmonic generation
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2006
( Springer series in optical sciences ; Vol. 106 )
39 854

Continuum models and discrete systems / eds. David J. Bergman, Esin Inan
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
( NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry ; Vol. 158 )
39 855

Spectroscopy of emerging materials / eds. Eric C. Faulques, Dale L. Perry, Andrei V. Yeremenko
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
( NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry ; Vol. 165 )
39 856

Nonlinear homogenization and its applications to composites, polycrystals and smart materials / eds. P. Ponte Castaňeda, J. J. Telega, B. Gambin
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
( NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry ; Vol. 170 )
39 857

Properties and applications of nanocrystalline alloys from amorphous precursors / eds. Bogdan Idzikowski, Peter Švec, Marcel Miglierini
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005
( NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry ; Vol. 184 )
39 858

Scanning probe microscopy characterization, nanofabrication and device application of functional materials / eds. Paula Maria Vilarinho, Yossi Rosenwaks, Angus Kingon
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005
( NATO science series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry ; Vol. 186 )
39 859

Ferroelectric thin films : basic properties and device physics for memory applications / eds. Masanori Okuyama, Yoshihiro Ishibashi
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2005
( Topics in applied physics ; Vol. 98 )
39 861

Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 57 / eds. Stephen R. Leone, Paul Alivisatos, Ann E. McDermott
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2006
( Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 57 )
39 932

Statistical mechanics of complex networks / eds. Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Miguel Rubi, Albert Diaz-Guilera
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003
( Lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 625 )
39 936

Annual review of materials research. Vol. 36 / eds. Venkatraman Gopalan et al.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2006
( Annual review of materials research. Vol. 36 )
39 961

JAEGLÉ, Pierre : Coherent sources of XUV radiation : soft X-ray lasers and high-order harmonic generation
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2006
39 966

Lasers and nuclei : applications of ultrahigh intensity lasers in nuclear science / eds. Heinrich Schwoerer, Joseph Magill, Burgard Beleites
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 694 )
39 967

MARQUES, Miguel A. L. : Time-dependent density functional theory / Miguel A. L. Marques et al.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 706 )
39 971

Soft condensed matter physics in molecular and cell biology / eds. Wilson C. K. Poon, D. Andelman
Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis Group, 2006
( SUSSP proceedings ; Vol. 59 )
39 993

Hadron physics / eds. I. J. Douglas MacGregor, Ralf Kaiser
Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis Group, 2006
( SUSSP proceedings ; Vol. 58 )
39 994

Nanophysics : coherence and transport / eds. H. Bouchiat et al.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005
( École d´été de physique des Houches ; Vol. 81 )
39 995

Progress in ultrafast intense laser science. Vol. 1 / eds. Kaoru Yamanouchi et al.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Springer series in chemical physics ; Vol. 84 )
39 997

FOSTER, Adam - HOFER, Werner : Scanning probe microscopy : atomic scale engineering by forces and currents
New York : Springer Science+Business Media, 2006
( Nanoscience and technology )
39 999

Particle physics beyond the standard model / eds. Dmitri Kazakov, Stéphane Lavignac, Jean Dalibard
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2006
( École d´été de physique des Houches ; Vol. 84 )
40 013

CP violation : from quarks to leptons / eds. M. Giorgi et al.
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2006
( Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" ; Vol. 163 )
40 014

Polarons in bulk materials and systems with reduced dimensionality / eds. G. Iadonisi, J. Ranninger, G. de Filippis
Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2006
( Proceedings of the international school of physics "Enrico Fermi" ; Vol. 161 )
40 015

STÖHR, Joachim - SIEGMANN, Hans Christoph : Magnetism : from fundamentals to nanoscale dynamics
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Springer series in solid-state sciences ; Vol. 152 )
40 021

Topology in condensed matter / ed. Michail Ilych Monastyrsky
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Springer series in solid-state sciences ; Vol. 150 )
40 022

Spin dynamics in confined magnetic structures III / eds. Burkard Hillebrands, André Thiaville
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Topics in applied physics ; Vol. 101 )
40 030

Modern aspects of spin physics / eds. Walter Pötz, Jaroslav Fabian, Ulrich Hohenester
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2007
( Lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 712 )
40 042

Magnetic microscopy of nanostructures / eds. Herbert Hopster, Hans Peter Oepen
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2005
( Nanoscience and technology )
40 047

SHCHUKIN, Vitaly A. - LEDENTSOV, Nikolai N. : Epitaxy of nanostructures
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004
( Nanoscience and technology )
40 048

Computer simulations in condensed matter systems : from materials to chemical biology. Vol. 1 / eds. Mauro Ferrario, Giovanni Ciccotti, Kurt Binder
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2006
( Lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 703 )
40 066

T 2
ŘASA, Jaroslav - ŠVERCL, Josef : Strojnické tabulky pro školu a praxi 1 Jednotky, matematika, mechanika, technické kreslení, strojní součásti
Praha : Scientia, 2004
39 849

ŘASA, Jaroslav - ŠVERCL, Josef : Strojnické tabulky pro školu a praxi 1 Jednotky, matematika, mechanika, technické kreslení, strojní součásti
Praha : Scientia, 2004
39 850

T 6
KRAUS, Libor et al. : Nanotechnologies in the Czech Republic 2005
Ostrava : Repronis, 2005
39 866

WOLF, Edward L. : Nanophysics and nanotechnology : an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2006
39 958

FISCHER-Cripps, Anthony C. : Nanoindentation
New York : Springer-Verlag, 2004
( Mechanical engineering series )
40 024

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