Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

Český rozhlas Leonardo, 28.2.2014.

V pondělním Magazínu...

Nadační fond Neuron, 10.2.2014.

Profesor Velický vybudoval a...

Videokanál Střediska společných činností Akademia věd ČR, 3.2.2014....

21. století, 20.1.2014.

Českým fyzikům se pomocí světelného...

Přírůstky knihovního fondu Slovanka za rok 2004

A 1
FEYERABEND, Paul: Věda jako umění / přel. Petr Kurka.
Rychnov nad Kněžnou : JEŽEK, 2004. - 116 s.
(Filosofické texty : Sv.45)
39 558

A 2
BROWNE, Neil M. - KEELEY, Stuart M.: Asking the right questions : a guide to critical thinking. - 7th edition
Upper Saddle River : Pearson Education, Inc., 2004. - xv+208 s.
39 418

BEAN, John C.: Engaging ideas : the professor´s guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom.
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2001. - xxi+282 s.
(The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series)
39 420

Učenci očima kolegů a žáků / ed. František Šmahel.
Praha : Academia, 2004. - 536 s.
39 498

KRAUS, Ivo: Dějiny technických věd a vynálezů v českých zemích.
Praha : Academia, 2004. - 270 s.
39 500

SIMANEK, Donald E. - HOLDEN, John C.: Science askew : a light-hearted look at the scientific world.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2002. - xii+310 s.
39 534

WILSON, E. Bright: An introduction to scientific research.
New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 1990. - xiii+375 s.
39 543

KARSH, Ellen - FOX, Arlen Sue: The only grant-writing book : you´ll ever need.
New York : Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003. - xvi+368 s.
39 544

A 4
Praha : Atlas ortofotomap 1:5000.
Praha ; Praha ; Brno : Kartografie Praha : IMI hl. m. Prahy : Geodis, spol. s r.o.2004. - 394 s.
39 557

A 6
Statistická ročenka České republiky 2003 = Statistical yearbook of the Czech Republic 2003.
Praha : Scientia, 2003. - 739 s.
39 405

2004 Britannica book of the year : events of 2003 / ed. Karel Jacobs Sparks.
Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2004. - 904 s.
(Britannica book of the year)
39 465

B 1
ZRZAVÝ, Jan - STORCH, David - MIHULKA, Stanislav: Jak se dělá evoluce.
Praha & Litomyšl : Ladislav Horáček - Paseka, 2004. - 289 s.
(Fénix : Sv. 9)
39 456

KLEIN, Jan - TAKAHATA, Naoyuki: Where do we come from? : the molecular evidence for human descent.
Berlín : Springer-Verlag, 2002. - xii+462 s.
39 526

C 2.6
Glow discharge plasmas in analytical spectroscopy / eds. R. Kenneth Marcus, José A. C. Broekaert.
Chichester : Wiley, 2003. - xv+482 s.
39 370

C 3.8
Charged particle and photon interactions with matter : chemical, physicochemical, and biological consequences with applications / eds. A. Mozumder, Y. Hatano.
New York : Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004. - x+870 s.
39 473

E 5.4
LUO, Fa-Long - UNBEHAUEN, Rolf: Applied neural networks for signal processing.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xi+367 s.
39 400

F 1.1
ŠTEFL, Vladimír: Mikuláš Koperník : tvůrce heliocentrické soustavy.
Praha : Prometheus, 2002. - 48 s.
(Velké postavy vědeckého nebe : Sv. 9)
39 402

KEPLER, Johannes: Sen neboli Měsíční astronomie / přeložili Alena a Petr Hadravovi.
Praha : Paseka, 2004. - 150 s.
39 403

Physics - physics research: topics, significance and prospects : a report to society, policy-makers and industry / ed. Rainer Scharf.
Bad Honnef : Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V., 2002. - 235 s.
39 412

THORNE, Kip S.: Černé díry a zborcený čas.
Praha : Mladá fronta, 2004. - 621 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv. 169)
39 455

Walter Kohn : personal stories and anecdotes told by friends and collaborators / eds. Matthias Scheffler, Peter Weinberger.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - xvii+309 s.
39 477

BARROW, John D. - DAVIES, Paul C. W. - HARPER, Charles L.: Science and ultimate reality : quantum theory, cosmology, and complexity.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xix+721 s.
39 484

The phenomenon of Doppler / ed. Ivan Štoll.
Praha : Jednota československých matematiků a fyziků, 1992. - 136 s.
39 520

WEINBERG, Steven: Tváří v tvář : věda a její intelektuální protivníci.
Praha : Aurora, 2004. - 278 s.
39 523

PENROSE, Roger: The road to reality : a complete guide to the laws of the Universe.
Londýn : Jonathan Cape, 2004. - xxviii+1094 s.
39 524

Physicists of Ireland : passion and precision / eds. Mark McCartney, Andrew Whitaker.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003. - xiv+298 s.
39 533

Enrico Fermi his work and legacy / eds. Carlo Bernardini, Luisa Bonolis.
Bologna ; Berlin : SIF : Springer-Verlag2004. - xii+410 s.
39 553

A garden of quanta : essays in honor Hiroshi Ezawa / eds. J. Arafune.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2003. - xxi+502 s.
39 572

KOYRÉ, Alexandre: Od uzavřeného světa k nekonečnému vesmíru / přel. Petr Horák.
Praha : Vyšehrad, 2004. - 261 s.
(Dějiny idejí : Sv.1)
39 576

F 1.3
LIFŠIC, E. M. - PITAJEVSKIJ, L. P.: Statistical physics. Part 2 : theory of the condensed state.
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. - x+387 s.
(Course of theoretical physics : Vol. 9)
39 373

LIFŠIC, E. M. - PITAJEVSKIJ, L. P.: Physical kinetics.
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. - xi+452 s.
(Course of theoretical physics : Vol. 10)
39 374

GREINER, Walter: Classical mechanics : point particles and relativity.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - xviii+488 s.
(Theoretical physics)
39 451

FEYNMAN, Richard P. - LEIGHTON, Robert B. - SANDS, Matthew: Feynmanovy přednášky z fyziky s řešenými příklady. Díl 3. / přel. Marek Jodas, Ivan Štoll.
Havlíčkův Brod : Fragment, 2002. - 435 s.
39 608

F 1.4
WOAN, Graham: The Cambridge handbook of physics formulas : 2003 edition.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - vii+220 s.
39 406

Encyclopedic dictionary of condensed matter physics. Vol. 1. A-M / ed. Charles P. Poole Jr..
Oxford : Elsevier LtD., 2004. - xvii+868 s.
39 453

Encyclopedic dictionary of condensed matter physics. Vol. 2. N-Z / ed. C.P. Poole Jr..
Oxford : Elsevier LtD., 2004. - xvii+1636 s.
39 454

F 1.8
AL-KHALILI, Jim: Černé díry, červí díry a stroje času / přeložili Jiří Adam, Dagmar Adamová.
Praha : Aurora, 2003. - 263 s.
39 404

F 2.1
WHEELER, J. A. - HARRISON, B. K.: Teorija gravitaciji i gravitacionnyj kollaps.
Moskva : Mir, 1967. - 323 s.
39 517

AHARONI, J.: The special theory of relativity. - 2nd ed.
London : Oxford University Press, 1965. - 331 s.
39 521

ORTÍN, Tomás: Gravity and strings.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xx+684 s.
39 563

F 2.4
BOHM, Arno: The geometric phase in quantum systems : foundations, mathematical concepts, and applications in molecular and condensed matter physics.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - xv+439 s.
39 474

PAUL, Harry: Introduction to quantum optics : from light quanta to quantum teleportation.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. - xii+241 s.
39 480

MACKEY, George W.: Lekciji po matematičeskim osnovam kvantovoj mechaniki.
Moskva : Mir, 1965. - 220 s.
(Biblioteka sbornika "Matematika")
39 519

CHRUSCIăSKI, Dariusz - JAMIOLKOWSKI, Andrzej: Geometric phases in classical and quantum mechanics.
Boston : Birkhäuser, 2004. - xii+333 s.
(Progress in mathematical physics : Vol.36)
39 556

FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do kvantové teorie. Část 1..
Praha : Academia, 2004. - xx+502 s.
39 580

FORMÁNEK, Jiří: Úvod do kvantové teorie. Část 2..
Praha : Academia, 2004. - S. 504-987
39 581

F 2.5
JOHNSON, Neil F. - JEFFERIES, Paul - HUI, Pak Ming: Financial market complexity.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. - x+254 s.
39 394

TALAGRAND, Michel: Spin glasses: a challenge for mathematicians : cavity and mean field models.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - ix+586 s.
(Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge : Vol. 46)
39 452

SCHWABL, Franz: Statistical mechanics.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2002. - xvi+573 s.
39 475

LE BELLAC, Michel - MORTESSAGNE, Fabrice - BATROUNI, G. George: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xvi+616 s.
39 481

PETHICK, Christopher J. - SMITH, Henrik: Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xii+402 s.
39 486

ONUKI, Akira: Phase transition dynamics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - x+714 s.
39 490

RAPAPORT, Dennis C.: The art of molecular dynamics simulation. - 2nd ed.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xiii+549 s.
39 491

ZINN-JUSTIN, Jean: Quantum field theory and critical phenomena. - 4th ed.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2002. - xx+1054 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol.113)
39 495

TOLMAČEV, V. V.: Teorija Boze-gaza.
Moskva : Izdatelďstvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1969. - 411 s.
39 510

Termodinamika neobratimych processov / red. D. N. Zubarev.
Moskva : Izdateµstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1962. - 426 s.
39 516

UHLENBECK, G. E. - FORD, G. W.: Lekciji po statističeskoj mechanike.
Moskva : Mir, 1965. - 307 s.
(Lectures in applied mathematics : Vol. 1)
39 518

JACAK, Lucjan: Quantum Hall systems : braid groups, composite fermions, and fractional charge.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xi+145 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol.119)
39 535

GIAMARCHI, Thierry: Quantum physics in one dimension.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - xvi+424 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol.121)
39 536

GROSS, Dieter H. E.: Microcanonical thermodynamics : phase transitions in "small" systems.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2001. - xv+269 s.
(World scientific lecture notes in physics : Vol.66)
39 514

COFFEY, William T. - KALMYKOV, Yuri P. - WALDRON, John T.: The Langevin equation : with applications to stochastic problems in physics, chemistry and electrical engineering. - 2nd ed.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2004. - xxiv+678 s.
(World scientific series in contemporary chemical physics : Vol.14)
39 569

Advanced mean field methods : theory and practice / eds. Manfred Opper, David Saad.
Cambridge (Mass) : The MIT Press, 2001. - xiii+273 s.
(Neural information processing series)
39 570

HORÁK, Jiří - KRLÍN, Ladislav: Vratnost a nevratnost dynamických systémů.
Praha : Academia, 2004. - 147 s.
39 579

GLAZER, A. Mike - WARK, Justin S.: Statistical mechanics : a survival guide.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. - xiii+142 s.
39 583

Photoinduced phase transitions / ed. Keiichiro Nasu.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2004. - vii+345 s.
39 615

FISCHER, K. H. - HERTZ, J. A.: Spin glasses.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. - x+408 s.
(Cambridge studies in magnetism : Vol. 1)
39 601

F 3.1
PRADHAN, Trilochan: The photon.
New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2001. - 131 s.
(Contemporary fundamental physics)
39 391

ELLIS, R. K. - STIRLING, W. J. - WEBBER, B. R.: QCD and collider physics.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003. - xiv+435 s.
(Cambridge monographs on particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology : Vol.8)
39 483

Amsterdam international conference on elementary particles : proceedings. . / eds. A. G. Tenner, M. J. G. Veltman.
Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1972. - viii+472 s.
39 506

HENLEY, Ernest - THIRRING, Walter: Elementarnaja kvantovaja teorija polja.
Moskva : Izdateµstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1963. - 315 s.
39 508

AITCHISON, Ian J. R. - HEY, Anthony J. G.: Gauge theories in particle physics. Vol.2: QCD and the electroweak theory. - 3rd ed.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004. - xvii+454 s.
(Graduate student series in physics)
39 528

DISSERTORI, Günther - KNOWLES, Ian G. - SCHMELLING, Michael: Quantum chromodynamics : high energy experiments and theory.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xv+538 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol.112)
39 537

ZWIEBACH, Barton: A first course in string theory.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xx+558 s.
39 564

YUNDRÁIN, Francisco J.: The theory of quark and gluon interactions. - 3rd rev. ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xvii+413 s.
(Texts and monographs in physics)
39 566

F 3.3
Large hadron collider phenomenology / eds. M. Krämer, F. J. P. Soler.
Bristol : SUSSP Publications & Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004. - xv+473 s.
(SUSSP proceedings : Vol.57)
39 545

F 4.2
TYSON, Robert K.: Principles of adaptive optics. - 2nd ed.
Boston : Academic Press, 1998. - xiv+345 s.
39 414

BOYD, Robert W.: Nonlinear optics. - 2nd. ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2003. - xvii+578 s.
39 449

The optics encyklopedia : basic foundations and practical applications.
Vol. 1: A-F / eds. Thomas G. Brown et al..
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2004. - xxv+749 s.
39 458

The optics encyclopedia : basic foundations and practical applications. Vol. 2: G-L / eds. Thomas G. Brown et al..
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2004. - viii+751-1422 s.
39 459

The optics encyclopedia : basic foundations and practical applications. Vol. 3: M-O / eds. Thomas G. Brown et al..
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2004. - viii+1423-2117 s.
39 460

The optics encyclopedia : basic foundations and practical applications. Vol. 4: O-S / eds. Thomas G. Brown et al..
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2004. - viii+2119-2772 s.
39 461

The optics encyclopedia : basic foundations and practical applications. Vol. 5: S-Z / eds. Thomas G. Brown et al..
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2004. - viii+2773-3472 s.
39 462

F 4.3
Laser-generated and other laboratory X-ray and EUV sources, optics, and applications / eds. George A. Kyrala a kol..
Bellingham : SPIE, 2004. - xii+448 s.
(SPIE proceedings series : Vol. 5196)
39 343

GEE, E. Anthony - HOUÉE, Jean-Fran‡ois: Specification, production, and testing of optical components and systems.
Bellingham : SPIE, 1996. - xi+668 s.
(SPIE proceedings series : Vol. 2775)
39 410

WEBER, Marvin J.: Handbook of optical materials.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2003. - 512 s.
39 415

Nonlinear photonic crystals / eds. Richart E. Slusher, Benjamin J. Eggleton.
Berlín : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - xx+375 s.
(Springer series in photonics : Vol.10)
39 525

COURJON, Daniel: Near-field microscopy and near-field optics.
London : Imperial College Press, 2003. - xxi+317 s.
39 568

F 4.4
Lasery ve výzkumu a průmyslu / uspořádal Jan Blabla.
Olomouc : Jednota československých matematiků a fyziků, 1983. - 244 s.
39 413

WEBER, Marvin J.: Handbook of lasers.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2001. - 1 198 s.
39 416

SVELTO, Orazio: Principles of lasers. - 4th ed.
New York : Plenum Press, 1998. - xxi+604 s.
39 417

Laser beam shaping : theory and techniques / eds. Fred M. Dickey, Scott C. Holswade.
New York : Marcel Dekker, Inc, 2000. - xi+428 s.
39 442

F 5.1
BUDKER, Dmitry - KIMBALL, Derek F. - DEMILLE, David P.: Atomic physics : an exploration through problems and solutions.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - xiv+441 s.
39 619

FOOT, Christopher J.: Atomic physics.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. - xiii+331 s.
(Oxford master series in physics : Vol. 7)
39 621

F 5.2
Phenomena in ionized gases 1977 : contributed papers. Part I.
Berlin : Physical Society, 1977. - li+450 s.
39 408

Phenomena in ionized gases 1977 : contributed papers. Part II.
Berlin : Physical Society, 1977. - s.451-920
39 409

ELIEZER, Shalom: The interaction of high-power lasers with plasmas.
Bristol : IOP Publishing LtD, 2002. - x+323 s.
(Series in plasma physics)
39 450

ATZENI, Stefano - MEYER-TER-VEHN, Jürgen: The physics of inertial fusion : beam plasma interaction, hydrodynamics, hot dense matter.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - xxii+458 s.
(International series of monographs on physics : Vol.125)
39 571

ŘÍPA, Milan: Řízená termojaderná syntéza pro každého.
Praha : Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, 2004. - 83 s.
39 588

EBELING, Werner: Thermophysical properties of hot dense plasmas.
Leipzig : B. G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1991. - 315 s.
(Teubner-Texte zur Physik : Band 25)
39 598

F 6.1
International tables for crystallography. Vol. D : physical properties of crystals / ed. A. Authier.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xi+521 s.+ CD
39 371

DIERKING, Ingo: Textures of liquid crystals.
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2003. - xi+218 s.
39 467

SONIN, Andrei A.: Freely suspended liquid crystalline films.
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1998. - ix+165 s.
39 468

YEH, Pochi - GU, Claire: Optics of liquid crystal displays.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1999. - xii+438 s.
39 469

MORAWIEC, Adam: Orientations and rotations : computations in crystallographic textures.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - x+200 s.
39 552

F 6.2
HULL, Derek - BACON, David J.: Introduction to dislocations. - 4th ed.
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. - vii+242 s.
39 441

F 6.3
Smithells metals reference book / eds. W. F. Gale, T. C. Totemeier. - 8th ed.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - broken paging.
39 472

PORTER, David A. - EASTERLING, Kenneth E.: Phase transformations in metals and alloys. - 2nd ed. London : CRC Press, 1992. - xiii+514 s.
39 584

MOLODOV, Dmitri A.: Migration of high angle grain boundaries in metals.
Aachen : Shaker Verlag, 1999. - ii+142 s.
(Berichte aus der Werkstofftechnik)
39 596

F 6.4
MEYERS, Marc André: Dynamic behavior of materials.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994. - xviii+668 s.
39 575

MEYER, Ernst: Nanoscience : friction and rheology on the nanometer scale.
Singapore : World Scientific, 1998. - xvii+373 s.
39 616

CAO, Guozhong: Nanostructures & nanomaterials : synthesis, properties & applications.
London : Imperial College Press, 2004. - xiv+433 s.
39 620

F 6.5
OHRING, Milton: Materials science of thin films : deposition and structure. - 2nd ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2002. - xxi+794 s.
39 398

Interlayer dielectrics for semiconductor technologies / eds. S. P. Murarka, M Eizenberg, A. K. Sinha.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Inc., 2003. - xiv+444 s.
39 437

BECHSTEDT, Friedhelm: Principles of surface physics.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - xii+342 s.
39 488

HENRICH, Victor E. - COX, P. A.: The surface science of metal oxides.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996. - xiv+464 s.
39 590

F 6.6
JACKSON, Kenneth A.: Kinetic processes : crystal growth, diffusion, and phase transitions in materials.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.KGaA, 2004. - xv+409 s.
39 527

HUMPHREYS, F. John - HATHERLY, Max: Recrystallization and related annealing phenomena. - 2nd. ed.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - xxx+628 s.
39 542

F 7.1
MARTIN, Richard M.: Electronic structure : basic theory and practical methods.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xxiii+624 s.
39 482

MARTIN, Richard M.: Electronic structure : basic theory and practical methods.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - xxiii+624 s.
39 489

BORN, Max - HUANG, Kun: Dinamičeskaja teorija kristalličeskich rešetok.
Moskva : Izdateµstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1958. - 488 s.
39 515

FINNIS, Mike: Interatomic forces in condensed matter.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xv+286 s.
(Oxford series on materials modelling)
39 539

HUMMEL, Rolf E.: Electronic properties of materials. - 3rd ed.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 2001. - xvii+438 s.
39 541

F 7.2
YU, Peter Y. - CARDONA, Manuel: Fundamentals of semiconductors : physics and materials properties. - 3rd ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - xviii+639 s.
39 487

F 7.3
Spin dependent transport in magnetic nanostructures / eds. Sadamichi Maekawa, Teruya Shinjo.
London : Taylor&Francis, 2002. - x+282 s.
(Advances in condensed matter science : Vol.3)
39 494

F 7.4
ALEXANDROV, A. S.: Theory of superconductivity : from weak to strong coupling.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003. - xiv+299 s.
(Series in condensed matter physics)
39 531

ANNETT, James F.: Superconductivity, superfluids, and condensates.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - xi+186 s.
(Oxford master series in physics : Vol. 5)
39 538

The physics of superconductors. Vol.2: Superconductivity in nanostructures, high-Tc and novel superconductors, organic superconductors / eds. K. H. Bennemann, J. B. Ketterson.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - xiv+1140 s.
39 554

F 7.5
Handbook of magnetic materials. Vol.13 / ed. K. H. J. Buschow.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2001. - xiii+280 s.
39 548

Handbook of magnetic materials. Vol.14 / ed. K. H. J. Buschow.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2002. - xiii+417 s.
39 549

Handbook of magnetic materials. Vol.15 / ed. K. H. J. Buschow.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2003. - xiii+659 s.
39 550

F 7.6
FURETTA, Claudio: Handbook of thermoluminescence.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2003. - xviii+461 s.
39 470

F 7.7
Nanoscale characterisation of ferroelectric materials : scanning probe microscopy approach / eds. Marin Alexe, Alexei Gruverman.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - xiii+282 s.
(Nanoscience and technology)
39 463

Piezoelectric single crystals and their application / eds. Susan Trolier-McKinstry, L. Eric Cross, Yohachi Yamashita.
B.m.: b.n.. - ix+415 s.
39 497

BURFOOT, Jack C.: Vvedenije v fiziku segnetoelektričeskich javlenij.
Moskva : Mir, 1970. - 352 s.
39 509

F 7.8
Optics of nanostructured materials / eds. Vadim A. Markel, Thomas F. George.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001. - x+553 s.
(Wiley series in lasers and application)
39 496

Metody analýzy povrchů : iontové, sondové a speciální metody / eds. Luděk Frank,
Jaroslav Král.
Praha : Academia, 2002. - 489 s.
39 602

F 8.1
Fourth-generation X-ray sources and ultrafast X-ray detectors / eds. Roman O. Tatchyn et al..
Bellingham : SPIE, 2004. - xi+226 s.
(SPIE proceedings series : Vol. 5194)
39 342

PECHARSKY, Vitalij K. - ZAVALIJ, Peter Y.: Fundamentals of powder diffraction and structural characterization of materials.
Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xxi+713 s. + CD
39 493

KRAWITZ, Aaron D.: Introduction to diffraction in materials science and engineering.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001. - xvi+408 s.
39 540

F 8.2
SHIRANE, Gen - SHAPIRO, Stephen M. - TRANQUADA, John M.: Neutron scattering with a triple-axis spectrometer : basic techniques.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - x+273 s.
39 505

F 8.6
HARRIS, Nigel S.: Modern vacuum practice. - 3rd. ed.
Glasgow : Nigel S. Harris, 2005. - xv+457 s.
39 597

F 9.1
HORSKÝ, Jan - NOVOTNÝ, Jan - ŠTEFANÍK, Milan: Úvod do fyzikální kosmologie.
Praha : Academia, 2004. - 219 s.
39 499

SCHWARZSCHILD, Martin: Strojenije i evoljucija zvezd.
Moskva : Izdateµstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1961. - 422 s.
39 512

CHANDRASEKHAR, S.: Vvedenije v učenije o strojeniji zvezd.
Moskva : Izdateµstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1950. - 476 s.
39 513

YULSMAN, Tom: Origins : the quest for our cosmic roots.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2003. - xvi+384 s.
39 529

BAILIN, David - LOVE, Alexander: Cosmology in gauge field theory and string theory.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004. - xii+313 s.
(Graduate student series in physics)
39 530

DICK, Steven J.: Život v jiných světech : debata dvacátého století o mimozemském životě / přel. Martin Šolc.
Praha : Mladá fronta, a.s., 2004. - 357 s.
(Kolumbus : Sv.171)
39 559

F 9.2
FINLAYSON-PITTS, Barbara J. - PITTS, James N.: Chemistry of the upper and lower atmosphere : theory, experiments, and applications.
San Diego : Academic Press, 2000. - xxii+969 s.
39 471

STRUNK, William - WHITE, E.B.: The elements of style. - 4th ed.
Needham Heights : Pearson Education Company, 2000. - xviii+105 s.
39 419

M 1.1
New constructions in cellular automata / eds. David Griffeath, Cristopher Moore.New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - xii+340 s.
39 492

VOPĚNKA, Petr: Horizonty nekonečna : matematický pohled na svět / uspoř. Jiří Fiala.
Břeclav : Moraviapress a.s., 2004. - 168 s.
(VIZE 97 : Sv.6)
39 577

VOPĚNKA, Petr: Vyprávění o kráse novobarokní matematiky : souborné vydání Rozprav o teorii množin.
Praha : Práh, 2004. - 820 s.
39 600

M 1.2
BOURBAKI, N.: Algebra : mnogočleny i polja uporjadočennyje gruppy.
Moskva : Nauka, 1965. - 300 s.
(Elementy matematiki : kniga II.,vypusk 2)
39 507

M 1.5
MUMFORD, David - SERIES, Caroline - WRIGHT, David: Indraďs pearls : the vision of Felix Klein.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. - xiv+395 s.
39 407

LICHNEROWICZ, André: Teorija svjaznostej v celom i gruppy golonomij.
Moskva : Izdateµstvo inostrannoj literatury, 1960. - 216 s.
39 511

FECKO, Marián: Diferenciálna geometria a Lieove grupy pre fyzikov.
Bratislava : Iris, 2004. - 722 s.
39 578

M 2.0
KVASNICA, Jozef: Matematický aparát fyziky. - 2. opr. vyd.
Praha : Academia, 1997. - 383 s.
39 464

M 2.1
Applications of fractional calculus in physics / ed. R. Hilfer.
Singapore : World Scientific, 2000. - vii+463 s.
39 560

KOPÁČEK, Jiří: Matematická analýza nejen pro fyziky I. - 4., přeprac. vyd.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2004. - vi+187 s.
39 603

KOPÁČEK, Jiří: Matematická analýza pro fyziky II. - 2. vyd.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2003. - iv+217 s.
39 604

KOPÁČEK, Jiří: Matematická analýza pro fyziky III. - 2. vyd.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2002. - iv+224 s.
39 605

KOPÁČEK, Jiří: Matematická analýza pro fyziky IV. - 2. vyd.
Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2003. - iv+324 s.
39 606

ČIHÁK, Pavel: Matematická analýza pro fyziky V. - 2. vyd.
Praha : Matfyzpress, 2003. - v+320 s.
39 607

M 4.1
STARCK, J. - L. - MURTAGH, F. - BIJAOUI, A.: Image processing and data analysis : the multiscale approach.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - x+287 s.
39 399

M 4.2
MAEDER, Roman E.: Programming in Mathematica. - 3rd ed.
Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley, 1997. - xi+366 s.
39 376

KLÖCKL, Ingo: LATEX - Tipps und Tricks : Layoutanpassung, Programmierung, Grafik, Hilfsprogramme, Zeichensätze. - 2., aktualis. und erw. Aufl.
Heidelberg : dpunkt.verlag, 2004. - x+606 s.
39 466

M 5.1
DU SATOY, Marcus: The music of primes : searching to solve the greatest mystery in mathematics.
New York : HarperCollins Publishers, 2003. - 335 s.
39 478

DERBYSHIRE, John: Prime obsession : Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics.
Washington, D. C. : Joseph Henry Press, 2003. - xv+422 s.
39 479

M 5.4
DEVLIN, Keith: The millenium problems.
London : Granta Books, 2002. - x+237 s.
39 561

Annual review of materials research. Vol.34 / eds. Evelyn Hu et al..
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2004. - xii+451 s.
39 522

Annual review of nuclear and particle science. Vol. 53 / eds. Chris Quigg, Vera Lüth.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2003. - ix+512 s.
(Annual review of nuclear and particle science : Vol. 53)
39 401

Annual review of physical chemistry. Vol. 55 / eds. Stephen R. Leone, Paul Alivisatos,
Ann. E. McDermott.
Palo Alto : Annual Reviews, 2004. - x+682 s.
39 485

Dislocations in solids. Vol.11 / eds. F. R. N. Nabarro, M. S. Duesbery.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2002. - xlvii+632 s.
(Dislocations in solids : Vol.11)
39 546

Dislocations in solids. Vol.12 / eds. F. R. N. Nabarro, J. P. Hirth.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - xi+590 s.
(Dislocations in solids : Vol.12)
39 547

Unity from duality: gravity, gauge theory and strings=šunité de la physique fondamentale: gravité, théorie de jauge et cordes / eds. C. Bachas et al..
Les Ulis ; Berlin : EDP Sciences : Springer-Verlag2002. - xxxiv+663 s.
(École ďété de physique théorique : Vol.76)
39 565

Slow relaxations and nonequilibrium dynamics in condensed matter=Relaxations
lentes et dynamiques hors ďéquilibre en physique de la matiére condensée / eds.
Jean-Louis Barrat et al..
Les Ulis ; Berlin : EDP Sciences : Springer-Verlag2003. - xxxiii+769 s.
(École ďété de physique théoretique : Vol.77)
39 551

Quantum entanglement and information processing=Intrication quantique et traitement
de µinformation / eds. Daniel Esteve, Jean-Michel Raimond, Jean Dalibard.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - xxx+608 s.
(École ďété de physique théorique : Vol. 79)
39 599

Hvězdářská ročenka. Ročník 81. / red. Pavel Příhoda a kol..
Praha : Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. m. Prahy, Astronomický ústav AV ČR, 2004. - 270 s.
39 582

Computer simulations of surfaces and interfaces / eds. Burkhard Dünweg, David P. Landau, Andrey I. Milchev.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xviii+451 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.114)
39 501

Organic conductors, superconductors and magnets: from synthesis to molecular
electronics / eds. Lahcene Ouahab, Eduard Yagubskii.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - viii+330 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.139)
39 502

Magneto-optical imaging / eds. Tom H. Johansen, Daniel V. Shantsev.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xvii+345 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.142)
39 503

Nanostructured magnetic materials and their applications / eds. Bekir Aktas, Lenar Tagirov, Faik Mikailov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xxv+443 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.143)
39 591

Metallic materials with high structural efficiency / eds. Oleg N. Senkov, Daniel B. Miracle, Sergey A. Firstov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xvi+440 s.
(NATO ASI series II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.146)
39 504

Molecular nanowires and other quantum objects / eds. Alexandre S. Alexandrov,
Jure Demsar, Igor Yanson.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xii+428 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.148)
39 592

Frontiers of multifunctional integrated nanosystems / eds. Eugenia Buzaneva, Peter Scharff.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xii+482 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.152)
39 593

Nanostructured thin films and nanodispersion strengthened coatings / eds.
Andrey A. Voevodin et al..
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xv+322 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.155)
39 594

Nanostructured thin films and nanodispersion strengthened coatings / eds.
Andrey A. Voevodin a kol..
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xv+322 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 155)
39 617

Nanoengineered nanofibrous materials / eds. Selcuk Guceri, Yury G. Gogotsi, Vladimir Kuznetsov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. - xii+543 s.
(NATO ASI series: II: mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol.169)
39 595

Quantum noise in mesoscopic physics / ed. Yuli V. Nazarov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - x+524 s.
(NATO science series: II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 97)
39 443

Quantum communication and information technologies / eds. Alexander S. Shumovsky, Valery I. Rupasov.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xvi+347 s.
(NATO science series: II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 113)
39 444

Physics of laser crystals / eds. Jean-Claud Kruppa, Nikolay A. Kulagin.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xiv+255 s.
(NATO science series: II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 126)
39 445

Patterns of symmetry breaking / eds. Henryk Arodz, Jacek Dziarmaga, Wojciech Hubert Zurek.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - x+404 s.
(NATO science series: II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 127)
39 446

Nanostructures: synthesis, functional properties and applications / eds. Thomas Tsakalakos, Ilya A. Ovidďko.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xvii+693 s.
(NATO science series: II: Mathematics, physics and chemistry : Vol. 128)
39 447

The early universe and the cosmic microwave background: theory and observations / eds. Norma G. Sánchez, Yuri N. Parijskij.
Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. - xxiii+574 s.
(NATO science series: II: Mathematics, physics, chemistry : Vol. 130)
39 448

A primer in density functional theory / eds. Carlos Fiolhais, Fernando Nogueira,
Miguel A. L. Marques.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2003. - xii+256 s.
(Lecture notes in physics : Vol. 620)
39 476

Solid state physics. Advances in research and applications. Vol.58 / eds. Henry Ehrenreich, Frans Spaepen.
San Diego : Elsevier, 2004. - xi+179 s.
39 562

Quasicrystals : an introduction to structure, physical properties and applications / eds.
Jens Boie Suck, Michael Schreiber, Peter Häussler.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2002. - xviii+561 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol.55)
39 555

LUPASCU, Doru C.: Fatigue in ferroelectric ceramics and related issues.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - xvi+225 s.
(Springer series in materials science : Vol. 61)
39 589

DMITRIEV, Valentin G. - GURZADYAN, Gagik G. - NIKOGOSYAN, David N.: Handbook of nonlinear optical crystals. - 3rd rev. ed.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1999. - xviii+413 s.
(Springer series in optical sciences : Vol.64)
39 567

SCHWEITZER, Frank: Brownian agents and active particles : collective dynamics in the natural and social sciences. With a foreword by J. Doyne Farmer.
Berlin : Springer, 2003. - xvi+420 s.
(Springer series in synergetics)
39 393

Ultrafast photonics / eds. Alan Miller, Derryck T. Reid, David Finlayson.
Bristol : SUSSP Publications & Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004. - xi+356 s.
(SUSSP proceedings : Vol.56)
39 532

Trends in physics 1981. / ed I. A. Dorobantu.
Bucharest : European Physical Society, 1982. - vi+1262 s.
39 411

T 5
Handbook of laser technology and applications. Vol.I: Principles / eds. Colin E. Webb,
Julian D. C. Jones.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, 2004. - xxvi+301 s.
39 438

Handbook of laser technology and applications. Vol.II: Laser design and laser systems / eds. Colin E. Webb, Julian D. C. Jones.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, 2004. - xi+s 305-1555
39 439

Handbook of laser technology and applications. Vol.III: Applications / eds. Colin E. Webb, Julian D. C. Jones.
Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, 2004. - xi+s 1559-2725
39 440

T 6
Springer handbook of nanotechnology / ed. Bharat Bhushan.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2004. - xxxvi+1222 s.; CD
39 436

Nanoelectronics and information technology : advanced electronic materials and novel devices / ed. Rainer Waser.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2003. - 1001 s.
39 457

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