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EUSJA General Assembly

eusja.jpg EUSJA General Assembly
& EUSJA Study Trip

Prague, Czech Republic
March 14–17, 2013


Prezident jmenoval Jiřího Drahoše předsedou AV ČR

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 Foto: Stanislava Kyselová, Akademický bulletin

 Prezident republiky Václav Klaus jmenoval 13. února 2013 na Pražském hradě prof. Jiřího Drahoše předsedou Akademie věd ČR. Pro funkční období 2013–2017 jej do čela AV ČR navrhl Akademický sněm na XLI. zasedání v prosinci loňského roku. „Akademie věd se těší mé pozornosti, protože jsem z ní vyšel a v dobrém na ni vzpomínám. Zajímá mě, co se v ní děje, a jsem rád, že nevím o žádných velkých problémech. Považuji to za správné, protože akademici se mají zabývat akademickou činností, nikoli aktivitami jiného typu. Přeji vám, aby se vám dařilo a aby Akademie byla důstojnou institucí,“ uvedl při inauguraci Václav Klaus.
Jiří Drahoš vede Akademii věd od roku 2009, kdy ve volbě zvítězil nad prof. Evou Sykovou, ředitelkou Ústavu experimentální medicíny AV ČR. Jeho nynější předsednický mandát vyprší 24. března 2013. I ve druhém funkčním období chce Jiří Drahoš především usilovat o stabilizaci AV ČR v systému VaVaI, zvyšovat kvalitu vědeckého výzkumu a posílit spolupráci s vysokými školami a podnikatelskou a aplikační sférou. Prioritu pro tento rok představuje Strategie rozvoje AV ČR pro období 2014–2020, jejímž cílem je zvýšit vědecký výkon Akademie a jejích pracovišť vytvořením konzistentního programu, který by zohledňoval aktuální trendy světové vědy a vývoje poznání a zároveň reagoval na společenské výzvy v oblasti vědy a výzkumu. „Často zdůrazňuji, že AV ČR je nejvýkonnější institucí v českém výzkumném prostředí. Jde však o to, aby se Akademie věd a její pracoviště staly respektovanými evropskými vědeckými centry s vysokou úrovní dosahovaných výsledků. Teprve taková pozice zaručuje prestiž a je předpokladem pro získání potřebných finančních zdrojů. Pro dosažení vytčených cílů je ovšem nezbytné vytvořit odpovídající podmínky, a to jak vnější, tak také vnitřní,“ konstatuje Jiří Drahoš v programovém prohlášení.



24 Jan 2014 New ERC vice-president appointed

As of January 2014, Professor Núria Sebastián Gallés is the new Vice-President of the European Research Council (ERC). Elected by the ERC Scientific Council, Prof. Sebastián Gallés will join the two existing Vice-Presidents, Professors Pavel Exner (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) and Carl-Henrik Heldin, in assisting the newly-appointed ERC President, Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (more information see here).

more 24 Jan 2014 Call for applications to Newton International Fellowships

A new round of Newton International Fellowships – an initiative to fund research collaborations and improve links between UK and overseas researchers - has now opened. The Newton International Fellowships are funded by the British Academy and the Royal Society and aim to attract the most promising early-career post-doctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of the humanities, the natural, physical and social sciences.

more 22 Jan 2014 Nikon Centre of Excellence at the Institute of Molecular Genetics

Nikon Company in the cooperation with the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR started on January 21, 2004 operation of a new Nikon Centre of Excellence (NCE) in Super Resolution Microscopy. The Super Resolution Microscopy is a revolutionary microscopic method enabling the observation of the smaller details especially in the cell biology, than it was possible until now with the conventional methods. The Nikon Centre of Excellence was opened by the director of the IMG Professor Václav Hořejší who stated: “The purpose of the centre is to combine the technical expertise of the world leading imaging manufacturer and the scientific expertise of the researchers at the Institute of Molecular Genetics. I believe that we will together contribute to the new developments in biomedical sciences”.

more 21 Jan 2014 Fifty years of Atmosphere Research

The Institute of Atmospheric Physics celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, having pondered and analyzed the atmosphere since 1964. The institute was established in as a continuation of the former Laboratory for Meteorology of the Geophysical Institute. Its main research focus is on processes taking place in the troposphere. In 1994, the former Ionospheric Department of the Geophysical Institute joined the IAP, thereby expanding its research domain. Now its work covers the whole atmosphere from the boundary layer up to interplanetary space.

more 21 Jan 2014 Long-term impact and sustainability of LIFE Nature – New publication out!

brozura.jpgThe latest LIFE Focus publication takes stock of the achievements to date of the LIFE Nature strand of the LIFE programme. Titled Long-term impact and sustainability of LIFE Nature, the 60-page brochure provides a user-friendly snapshot of the detailed assessments contained in the ex-post (after project's end) evaluations of LIFE projects. This evaluation process involves visits by experts from the LIFE Monitoring Team to a random sampling of completed LIFE Nature projects a number of years after they have finished. Some 9% of all LIFE Nature projects have been evaluated thus far. As well as outlining the history and methodology of the ex-post evaluation process, this new publication draws on the results of that qualitative research, backed up by new interviews with key stakeholders across several EU Member States, to highlight the lessons that can be learned in terms of LIFE Nature's long-term impact and sustainability at both project and programme level. Download: Long-term impact and sustainability of LIFE Nature.

more 16 Jan 2014 The European Young Researchers’ Award

The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) is granted to researchers demonstrating outstanding research performance and leadership. At the same time, the award aims to inspire early stage and experienced researchers to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. The Award is granted each year but the prize-giving-ceremony is held every two years at the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) where the two recipients will present their work. The Award consists of a Certificate and a grant to cover travel and accommodation for the stay in the ESOF city. The EYRA 2014 Call for Post-doctoral candidates is NOW OPEN. The deadline for applications is 17 March 2014.

more 14 Jan 2014 ERC Consolidator Grants: Nearly €575 million to 312 mid-career top researchers

The European Research Council (ERC) has selected 312 top scientists in its first Consolidator Grant competition. These mid-career scientists are awarded a total of nearly €575 million. Grants are worth up to €2.75 million each, with an average of €1.84 million per grant. This new funding will enable already independent excellent researchers to consolidate their own research teams and to develop their most innovative ideas across the European Research Area.

more 7 Jan 2014 Open competition for the position of the Head of the Department of Seismotectonics

The director of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in accordance with the Act No.283/1992 On the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, as amended by the Act No. 420/2005, and in accordance with the Statute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, announces an open competition for the position of the Head of the Department of Seismotectonics. The successful candidate will be responsible for the conception, planning and successful development of the scientific activities of the Department of Seismotectonics using the human and equipment potential of the department. He will be responsible for the results and outputs of the department. The applications must be delivered to abovesaid contacts by 23:59 on 2nd of March 2014 at the latest.

more 7 Dec 2013 H2020-TEERA 2013

Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in cooperation with Slovak Organization for Research and Development Activities organized an international conference The EU HORIZON 2020 Programme and Teaming for Excellence in the European Research Area (H2020-TEERA 2013), which took place in Prague from 17th to 18th October, 2013. The conference launched the H2020 programme in the Czech Republic with special focus on forming high quality consortia needed to successfully solve the demanding projects of the programme.

more 23 Oct 2013 Ti:sapphire Lasers: Past, Present and Future

Institute of Physics ASCR invites you to a seminar Ti:sapphire Lasers: Past, Present and Future by Peter Moulton on November 6th, 2013 at 15:00 in the Lecture Hall of the Institute of Physics ASCR, Na Slovance 1999/2, Prague 6. The presentation will review a history of a tunable laser based on Ti:Sapphire (Ti3+ doped Al2O3) and it will show the crucial milestones of the development of this unique system for generation of ultrashort laser pulses. Recent practical and potential future applications of these laser systems, as well as possible directions of future research will be also covered.

more 21 Oct 2013 A small celebration at Villa Lanna in Prague

One of the architectural jewels of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague is its Villa Lanna. The Editorial Staff of Academic bulletin decided it deserved recognition with a supplement the Academy’s official magazine, enclosed with the last issue. The Staff is indebted to Prof. Jan Bažant who kindly wrote the historical and artistic aspects of this magnificent edifice. On 8 October 2013, the Editorial Staff arranged a small celebration during which Professor Bažant guided a group on a tour through this outstanding Neo-Renaissance villa.

more 25 Sep 2013 About Mars: The next step

Mars_perex2.jpgDr. James Rice, who is an American expert, was invited to the Czech Republic by the Academy of Science. Mars: The Next Step follows the popular program ‘To Space with a Little Mole,’ which came to the Czech Republic in 2011. Astronaut Andrew Feustel took the well-known cartoon character, Krtek, a little mole on a journey to space in the Endeavour spaces shuttle. Space exploration is a very popular subject in the Czech Republic and Dr. Rice shared his knowledge to inspire a future generation of Czech scientists. A press conference took place on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 at the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of the CR in Prague. Other than the American scientist, also the Ambassador of the USA in Prague Norman L. Eisen and Vice-President of the ASCR RNDr. Jan Šafanda, CSc. appeared. “ Through this event, the ASCR is trying to show the public that space research in which a number of academic institutes are involved and which costs a great deal of money returns bounteously to society – both through expanding our knowledge of the solar system and also a number of practical applications and technological innovations,” said J. Šafanda.

more 10 Sep 2013 Indian palynologist visited Institute of Geology

In the frame of mutual scientific exchange between the Czech and Indian Academy of Sciences an important Indian palynologist Dr. Samir Sarkar visited between August 11 – September 8, 2013 the Laboratory of Paleobiology & Paleoecology. Main purpose of his visit was the study of Cretaceous palynomorphs, especially dinocysts from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. On September 3, 2013 he gave the lecture Palynofloral assemblages from Tertiary sediments of India: stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications.

more 29 Aug 2013 Three million Euro’s for a vaccine against ticks

The Institute of Parasitology, which is part of the Biology Centre (ASCR) in Ceske Budejovice, in collaboration with six european partners, will investigate a vaccine against ticks. This vaccine has to prevent multiple tick-borne diseases. The entire project will be coordinated by The Academic Medical Center (AMC) located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The three million Euro’s, funded by the European Commission as part of the FP7 Work Program, will be divided within the consortium.

more 2 Aug 2013 EUCYS 2013 in Prague

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic will be hosting the 25th edition of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) which will take place in Prague from 20 until 25 September. The event is an annual exhibition of the finest work developed by young scientists in many different scientific fields; it enables the best young minds of different countries to compare ideas and admire each other’s work, as well as to compete with one another at European level. European Union Contest for Young Scientists is an initiative of the European Commission that was set up in 1989 with the goal of promoting cooperation and interchange between young scientists and guiding them towards a future career in science and technology. More information on

more 17 Jul 2013 Czech physicists contributed to the discovery of new mechanisms for storing information

The Spintronics and Nanoelectronics group from the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has completed another successful research project which opens new oportunities for future information technologies. The work which discovers and explains the origin of a new mechanism that allows to electrically control the velocity of domain walls driven across the magnetic medium was performed within the long term collaboration in spintronics research with groups from Cambridge and Nottingham in the UK. It was published on June 9, 2013 in the journal Nature Materials.

more 16 Jul 2013 FGMT 2013

The Institute of Physics, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organizes the international conference that will take place in Prague on 29 July–3 August, 2013. Its main goal is to contribute to uncovering possible phenomenological (“quantum thermodynamic”) laws governing the behavior of mesoscopic systems and also to provide better understanding and insight into recent problems of the foundations, relying on theoretical and experimental methods of condensed matter physics and quantum optics. Special attention will be given to the dynamics of mesoscopic open systems and their relevance to problems of measurement of non-equilibrium quantum systems, thermal and quantum fluctuations, dissipation, noise, physics of quantum information and biological systems, in terms of both theory and experiment. FQMT’13 is follow-up to three previous conferences held in Prague 2004, 2008 and 2011. The FQMT'13 program will feature concerts of classical and jazz music performed by world-class musicians, held at outstanding venues of the city. Both the scientific program and the musical program are intended as a complement to one another, where scientists and musicians are encouraged to mingle and share their knowledge and experience. More information on

more 8 Jul 2013 Feeding Galaxy Caught in Distant Searchlight
Astronomers using ESO’s Very Large Telescope have spotted a distant galaxy hungrily snacking on nearby gas. Gas is seen to fall inwards towards the galaxy, creating a flow that both fuels star formation and drives the galaxy’s rotation. This is the best direct observational evidence so far supporting the theory that galaxies pull in and devour nearby material in order to grow and form stars. The results were presented in a paper entitled Signatures of Cool Gas Fueling a Star-Forming Galaxy at Redshift 2.3, and appeared in the 5 July 2013 issue of the journal Science.
more 4 Jul 2013 To ESOF 2014 by bus

Euroscience and the ESOF local organizers that provide young researchers with a unique opportunity to interact with leading scientists from various scientific fields wish to encourage and promote the participation of groups of graduate and PhD candidates. The groups will reach Copenhagen in Denmark (the next host of ESOF in 2014) by bus (ideally a low emission vehicle) or some other low cost transportation. Selected participants will have access to all ESOF 2014 programmes and to the specific sessions dedicated to Young Researchers. This project is based on the successful Barcelona and Torino Science Bus event, realized by the ESOF2008 and ESOF2010 Team that brought to Barcelona 40 and to Torino 30 students. The Science busses participants will be offered a very low conference fee (80€), the possibility to be hosted in low cost accommodations in Copenhagen and onsite help provided by the local organisers.

more 4 Jul 2013 International Workshop in Ceske Budejovice

Researchers, students, and interested public are invited to a 1-day workshop Plant-insect food webs along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients originating from lowland tropical rainforests bringing to Ceske Budejovice some of the leading scientists in ecology. The workshop will include oral presentation by 18 senior on biodiversity along ecological gradients, followed by an open poster session where you can present your own poster, and a general discussion with refreshments.


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