Early molecular events involved in Pinus pinaster Ait. somatic embryo development under reduced water availability: transcriptomic and proteomic analyses.

Lelu-Walter M.-A., Morel A., Teyssier C., Trontin J-F., Eliášová K., Pešek B., Beafour M., Boizot N., Reymont I., Harvengt L., Cadene M., Corbineau F., Vágner M., Label P.
Keywords: somatic embryo development, germin-like proteins, glycolysis, protein phosphatase 2C, ubiquitin-protein ligase

Senescence progression in a single darkened cotyledon depends on the light status of the other cotyledon in Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) seedlings: potential involvement of cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity

Ananieva K, Ananiev ED, Doncheva S, Georgieva K, Tzvetkova N, Kamínek M, Motyka V, Dobrev P, Gajdošová S, Malbeck J
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 134 : 609-623 , 2008

Senescence progression in a single darkened cotyledon depends on the light status of the other cotyledon in Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) seedlings:potential involvement of cytokini77ns and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity

Ananieva K., Ananiev E., Doncheva S., Grigorieva K., Tzvetkova N., Kamínek M., Motyka V., Dobrev P., Gajdošová S., Malbeck J.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 134 : 609-623 , 2008
Keywords: senescence, cotyledon, chloroplast, photosynthesis, cytokinins, cytokininoxidase/dehydrogenase

Effect of inhibition of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity on growth of alfalfa cell suspension culture: Alteration in mitotic index, ethylene production, and content of phenolics, cytokinins and polyamines

Cvikrová, M., Binarová, P., Eder, J., Vagner, M., Hrubcová, M., Zon, J. and Macháčková, I.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 107 : 329-337 , 1999

Reiniciation of cell division and polyamine and aromatic monoamine levels in alfalfa explants during the induction of somatic embryogenesis.

Cvikrová M., Binarová P., Cenklová V., Eder J., Macháčková I.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 105 : 330 – 337 , 1999

New cytokinin metabolites in IPT transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants

Werner, Tomáš; Hanuš, Jan; Holub, Jan; Schmülling, T.; Onckelen, H. V.; Strnad, Miroslav
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 118 [1] : 127-137 , 2009
Keywords: transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana * cytokinin * zeatin-O-glucoside

Increase in activity, glycosylation and expression of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase during the senescence of barley leaf segments in the dark

Conrad, K.; Motyka, Václav; Schlüter, T.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 130 [4] : 572-579 , 2007

Protective cytokinin action switches to damaging during senescence of detached wheat leaves in continuous light

Vlčková, A.; Špundová, M.; Kotabová, E.; Novotný, R.; Doležal, Karel; Nauš, J.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 126 [2] : 257-267 , 2006
Keywords: senescence; cytokinin; Triticum aestivum

Methyl jasmonate down-regulates endogenous cytokinin levels in cotyledons of Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) seedlings

Ananieva, H.; Malbeck, Jiří; Kamínek, Miroslav; Staden, J.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 122 [4] : 496-503 , 2004
Keywords: methyl jasmonate; senescence; cytokinin
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