Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

Český rozhlas Leonardo, 28.2.2014.

V pondělním Magazínu...

Nadační fond Neuron, 10.2.2014.

Profesor Velický vybudoval a...

Videokanál Střediska společných činností Akademia věd ČR, 3.2.2014....

21. století, 20.1.2014.

Českým fyzikům se pomocí světelného...


Úterý, 04.03.2014 10:00 - 11:00

Jiří Červenka (School of Physics, The University of Melbourne)

Graphene's two dimensional nature, highly sensitive unique electrical properties and low intrinsic noise characteristics make it a prime candidate for the creation of a new generation of molecular sensors. Despite of high sensitivity of graphene sensors, their selectivity remains a major problem for their practical use. In this talk I present different strategies for selective sensing using graphene-based sensors.

Úterý, 04.03.2014 13:00 - 14:00

Katharina J. Franke (Freie Universität Berlin)

The magnetic properties of atoms and molecules on a surface are significantly affected by details in the atomic-scale surrounding. Manipulation of this surrounding provides the possibility to tune the electronic and magnetic functionality of surfaces on a nanometer scale. Using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS), we show that the lifetime of excited spin states in the paramagnetic Fe-Octaethylporphyrin-Chloride (FeOEP-Cl) is orders of magnitude longer when the molecule is adsorbed on a superconductor as compared to a normal metal substrate.

Úterý, 04.03.2014 15:00

Karel Carva (Oddělení teoretické fyziky, katedry fyziky kondenzovaných látek, MFF UK)

Abstract: In recent years it has been demonstrated that magnetization can be changed without applying an external magnetic field in extremely short timescales of the order of hundreds of femtoseconds [1]. We have studied the effect by means of ab initio calculations for three ferromagnetic metals Fe, Co and Ni [2] considering the Elliott-Yafet electron-phonon spin-flip (SF) scattering [3] which has been suggested to be the dominant microscopic mechanism.

Čtvrtek, 06.03.2014 10:00 - 11:00

Kristin Poduska (Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)

Electrochemical methods are widely applied to metal film deposition in industrial and high-tech settings, but the market share for semiconductor films produced using electrochemistry is dramatically less. At the same time, a large fraction of semiconductor-based devices rely on applied voltages for their operation, which means that electrochemical processes could occur in these devices wherever there exists an interface between an electron conductor (such as a semiconductor) and an ion conductor (such as water).

Minulé semináře

Vojtěch Kundrát Experiment TOTEM - Měření elastického a totálního účinného průřezu při energii 7 TeV 11.11.2011 13:30
Dr. Roman V. Yusupov Experimental manifestations of the Nb4+ O- polaronic excitons in KTa(1-x)Nb(x)O(3): Photo-induced EPR and optical absorption. 11.11.2011 10:00
Vlastimil Křápek Dynamical mean field modeling of LaCoO3 10.11.2011 14:00
František Slanina Spectra and localization in random graphs 08.11.2011 15:00
Xavier Marti Quo Vadis Spintronics? 08.11.2011 10:00
Marcus Kollar Correlated electrons in nonequilibrium 03.11.2011 15:00
Adam Sweetman Atom manipulation and sub-molecular imaging using qPlus NC-AFM 02.11.2011 14:00
Prokop Hapala Teoretické studium optických vlastností křemíkových nanokrystalů metodou funkcionálu elektronové hustoty 01.11.2011 15:00
Joachim Krug Records in a changing world 01.11.2011 14:00
Dr. Christian David Diffractive optics for imaging on x-ray tubes, synchrotrons, and free-electron lasers 27.10.2011 10:00
Venkatesan Jambunathan Ho doped potassium rare earth double tungstate laser operating around 2.1 μm 26.10.2011 11:00
Jakub Šebera Quantum Chemistry Study of Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine Systems within DFT Methods 25.10.2011 15:00
Nicoleta Nicoara Structural and electronic properties of PTCDA organic molecules on semiconductor surfaces 25.10.2011 10:00
Jiří Chýla Hlavní výsledky z LHC: dojmy z letních konferencí 21.10.2011 13:30
Jan Hladký Částicová zlatá léta sedmdesátá (aneb naše začátky IV) - Elektronické experimenty v CERN a ÚFVE Serpuchov (via LVE SÚJV Dubna) 20.10.2011 15:00
Pavel Augustinský Parquet equations as impurity solver 20.10.2011 14:00
E. Hulicius, J.J. Mareš, F. Kadlec Transportní vlastnosti železem dotovaného nitridu gallitého 19.10.2011 15:00
Pavel Augustinský Stability of Fermi liquid with respect to dynamical fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems 18.10.2011 15:00
Rüdiger-A. Eichel Interplay between defect structure and piezoelectric properties of Pb[Zr,Ti]O3 and ‘lead-free’ alternative compounds 18.10.2011 10:00
Miloš V. Lokajíček Kvantová fyzika bez pozorovatelů a paradoxů? 13.10.2011 15:00
Christian Teichert AFM based characterization of inorganic and organic semiconductor nanostructures 13.10.2011 14:00
Jean Paul Perin The extreme cold in the service of science 12.10.2011 15:00
Nickolay Gennadievich Galkin Struktura, luminescence a termoelektrické vlastnosti křemíkových a silicidových nanoheterostruktur s vnořenými nanokrystaly 12.10.2011 13:45
Konstantin Nickolaievich Galkin Termoelektrické vlastnosti křemíkových dvojitých heterostruktur s vnořenými MgSi 2D strukturami 12.10.2011 13:00
John E. Pask Enriched and high-order finite elements for large, accurate ab initio electronic structure calculations 04.10.2011 15:00
Dr. Baerbel Rethfeld Electronic processes occurring in solids irradiated by ultra-short XUV/Vis laser pulses: theory and computer simulations 04.10.2011 13:00
László Szunyogh Multiscale study of magnetism at the nanoscale: highlighting spin-orbit induced phenomena 30.09.2011 10:00
prof. Andreas Pöppl Cw and Pulsed ESR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Centers in Porous Materials 27.09.2011 14:30
O. Mryasov Fundamentals of MR-RA scaling: TMR and GMR 16.08.2011 10:00
Jan Jacob InAs Spinfilter Cascades 10.08.2011 10:00

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