Entered keyword "social capital" yielded 35 results.
In the first part, we comment issue of social capital and third sector in the Czech Republic with specific focus on NGOs, civic participation and social trust. Public policy in the civic sector is discussed. In the second part, we review literature (academic as well as gray) on f...
Project duration: 2006
Social Capital: Concepts, Theories, and Methods of Measurement - Jiří Šafr, Markéta Sedláčková
7. 10. 2010
Prague, Tuesday 19th October 2010, AKC
The proposed research project, which is structurally based on the comparative analysis of the role of social capital and civil society in achieving the goals of development policy through stimulating social partnerships and improving levels of administrative capacity, is based on...
Project duration: 2005 - 2006
The department focuses on research into the connections between territorially specific factors — local and regional — and processes of social change, including the formation and functioning of socio-spatial configurations, institutional structures, civic participation and the for...
Head of department: Mgr. Josef Bernard, Ph.D.
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Head of department: Mgr. Nela Hesová
Pavel Nejdl, Daniel Čermák (eds.): Participation and Partnership in Local Public Administration
Authors: Tuček, Milan (ed.)
The monograph discusses following social cohesion issues in the Czech society: social inequalities, social tension, social justice, trust and legitimacy, cohesion in spatial dimension, and influence of bridging social capital on social cohesion. Though the widely held agreement e...
Demographic Avant-Garde documents the unique demographic behavior of Jews in Bohemia from the mid-eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century. It examines what made Bohemian Jews true forerunners of the demographic transition in Europe and explains why this occurred. The book analyze...
Sociologický časopis je recenzovaný vědecký časopis publikující původní příspěvky k poznání společnosti od českých i zahraničních autorů. Vychází od roku 1965.
31. 10. 2013
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., si Vás dovoluje pozvat na čtvrteční seminář, kde vystoupí
JIŘÍ ŠAFR s přednáškou
Authors: Vašát, Petr
The aim of the article is to critically reassess relation between moral and economy of agents from the poorest class. The relational concept of the poorest class designates here homeless, drug-users, and some poor individuals generally that all have common particular social pract...
28. 8. 2012
13. 9. 2012 ve 14:00 hodin v AKC, Husova 4a, Praha 1
3. 7. 2006
Quality and Inequality in Education
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Daniel Čermák, Tomáš Kostelecký, Renata Mikešová, Věra Patočková, Jana Stachová, Zdenka Vajdová
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Tomáš Kostelecký, Věra Patočková
13. 3. 2014
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., si Vás dovoluje pozvat na čtvrteční seminář, kde vystoupí
MICHAEL SMITH s přednáškou
Authors: Bernard, Josef
13. 3. 2014
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences would like to invite you for Thursday seminar with
MICHAEL SMITH and his topic