Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

ELI - Extreme Light Infrastructure

ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) is an international project, identified by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and included in the prestigious list, the ESFRI Roadmap, as a high priority project within the large infrastructures for research planned for the European Union’s European Research Area (ERA), which aims to build and operate a multipurpose facility capable of producing the intensity of laser radiation more than hundred times larger than that generated in any other laboratory worldwide. This laser will be the core of the application centre for the development of new materials, Hadron therapy, ultra-intense compact sources of radiation and particles, and for basic research in quantum and relativistic physics.

In October 2009, the Czech Republic together with Hungary and Romania received from all 13 European project partners an official mandate to implement ELI, which involves the construction of three laser centers under a single brand of ELI. This decision was fully supported by the European Commission.

The Czech "Beamlines Facility“ will be located in Dolni Brezany and its main interest is research of ultra-intense secondary sources for interdisciplinary applications in physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and material science.

The construction phase of the ELI facility should be financed from EU Structural funds (ERDF Operational Programme „Research and Development for Innovation“). The Institute of Physics has submitted the application for a little less than 7 billion CZK, of which 2/3 are costs of unique scientific technology.

The scientific project manager of ELI in the Czech Republic is Dr. Bedrich Rus.

For more information about the project visit the ELI webpage:
http://www.eli-beams.eu (ELI Beamlines Facility in the CR)

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