The Palatium 1400–1700 International Colloquium in Prague

The Palatium 1400–1700 International Colloquium in Prague

The ESF project entitled Palatium 1400–1700 has now moved into its second half and has turned from the residences of the Valois and Habsburg families to the theme of summer houses. On 5–7 June 2014 an international colloquium will take place in Prague, which is being prepared by the Palatium 1400–1700 team in cooperation with the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The programme of the colloquium will consist of papers on those parts of residential complexes which we most often find in Central European sources from the 15th to the 19th century under the name of Lusthaus. In addition to the purely philological question of delimiting the term, an important part of the Prague meeting will be the typological identification of these buildings in terms of culture, history, and construction, with particular reference to the relationship with functionally similar architectural entities such as hunting lodges, villas, garden pavilions, and casinos. Researchers will also devote attention to the iconology of the decoration of these additional buildings in residential complexes and to the urbanistic function of the gardens, parks, and game preserves in which these buildings were situated. The call for papers ends on 31 January 2014. More information at

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