Tuition and Financial Support
There is no tuition fee for the JME program. However, students are expected to cover their living expenses.
CERGE-EI offers a limited number of fellowships to exceptionally well-qualified JME applicants. Fellowship holders receive a monthly stipend of 8500-11500 CZK to cover their living expenses while studying for the JME.
Fellowships application deadline
February 6, 2014
In early March, fellowship applicants are notified as to whether they are offered a fellowship.
Please note that receiving the stipend is conditional on being admitted to the Master's program in Economic Theory at IES and JME program.
Fellowship application materials
Applicants who intend to apply for the JME program and wish to be considered for the fellowship should:
1. Send the following materials in electronic form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :
1.1 Application supplement indicating that you wish to enroll in the JME program.
1.2 A completed solution to the assignment in Math, Economics, and English which will be sent to you by e-mail at 12:00 CET on February 7, 2014. You will have 48 hours to send us the completed assignment back.
Assignment samples can be downloaded here: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Math. Click here for journal articles we expect our students to be able to understand and analyze with reasonable proficiency upon entering the JME program.
1.3 Curriculum vitae.
1.4 Statement of motivation: 1000-2000 word statement in English explaining your academic background, interests and career goals, and how the JME program will help you meet your objectives. Please see the Statement of Motivation Guidelines.
1.5 A notary-verified copy of your Bachelor's degree diploma. If you expect to receive your diploma after the JME application deadline, please submit an official confirmation from your university saying that there are no obstacles to your graduation and that you are expected to graduate, e.g., by the end of June of this year (specifying when the diploma will be issued).
1.6 A notary-verified copy of your Bachelor's degree transcript. If you graduate after the JME application deadline, submit your current academic transcript.
1.7 Other relevant documents that may increase your chances of being admitted to the program, such as additional study records, certificates, diplomas, etc.
1.8 You are encouraged to submit TOEFL, IELTS, or other certified English language exam score, as well as GRE, GMAT, or other proficiency test scores.
2. Send the following documents in hard copy to the address below:
2.1 Two letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your academic background, provided in sealed envelopes with the recommender's signature written across the seal (form available here, download to fill in electronically). You need not submit the recommendation letters again as part of your JME application package.
MA/PhD Study Affairs Office
P.O. Box 882
Politických vězňů 7
111 21 Praha 1
Czech Republic
JME Contact
For details and assistance on applying to the JME program, please contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T: +420 224 005 161