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The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - III. Humanities and Social Sciences



Open Science


Academic bulletin



III. Humanities and Social Sciences

Physics helps economy: a new monograph on Econophysics from the Institute of Physics, AS CR

12 Mar 2014

Importance and impact of methods and techniques developed for studying physical problems has outreached the realm of natural sciences. Methods of quantum physics and statistical mechanics find more and more applications in biology, economy, informatics, or sociology. Physics has become one of the most important components of a number of new interdisciplinary research fields. Econophysics utilises methods of statistical mechanics and theory of phase transitions to model and understand processes in economy and financial markets.

“World Development Report 2014” panel discussion at CERGE-EI

10 Oct 2013


The World Development Report 2014, titled Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development, examines how improving risk management can lead to large gains in development and poverty reduction. As part of launching the report, the World Bank is taking a “road show” to select locations in Europe and Asia to disseminate the key findings and continue the discussion. This will include a special presentation in Prague hosted by CERGE-EI on October 21st at 4.30 PM.

Prof. František Šmahel will receive the National Award of the Government of the CR Česká hlava (Czech Intelligence)

4 Oct 2013


The National Award of the Government of the CR Česká hlava (Czech Intelligence) was won this year by Prof. František Šmahel from the Centre of Medieval Studies – a joint workplace of the Academy of Sciences of the CR and Charles University at the Institute of Philosophy of the ASCR. The preeminent Czech medievalist has acquired this prestigious prize for his lifelong work and also for his civic and scientific positions. The Council for Research, Development and Innovation proposed Prof. František Šmahel for the National Award of the Government of the CR Česká hlava. Through its selection, it wanted to award the researcher’s outstanding results in the Czech Republic and abroad. The handover of the award Česká hlava will take place at a ceremonial gala evening on 17 November 2013.

Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin in Prague

17 Jun 2013


Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (as part of a joint workplace CERGE-EI) hosted a five-day visit by Eric Maskin, Adams University Professor at Harvard University and recipient of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics (with L. Hurwicz and R. Myerson) for his work laying the foundations of ‘mechanism design.’ On April 29th, Prof. Maskin gave a public lecture at CERGE-EI titled “How to Make the Right Decisions without Knowing People’s Preferences: An Introduction to Mechanism Design”.

Cubisti Cubismo

6 Jun 2013


The Director of the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prof. Vojtěch Lahoda, was involved in the preparation of the international exhibition Cubisti Cubismo, which is open from 8 March to 23 June 2013 at the Complesso Monumentale del Vittoriano in Rome. The curator, Charlotte N. Eyerman, an art historian from Los Angeles, planned it as a wide-ranging survey of Cubists and Cubism, from Picasso, through Russian artists, to figures from the USA (Max Weber) and Great Britain (Wyndham Lewis). She presented Cubism as a trend that eventually influenced all local schools, and emphasised the spread of Cubism into decorative art, architecture (Czech examples were at least shown in photographs and a model of Chochol’s house in Neklanova Street), and into film.

Art Historian Keith Holz in Prague

4 Jun 2013


Keith Holz, Associate Professor of the Western Illinois University in Macomb, examines in his lecture held on 12 June 2013 at 3.30 p.m. in the Institute of Art History, Husova 4, Prague 1, room 117, newly available letters by and about Oskar Kokoschka from Moscow and Zürich archives. This lecture revises extant interpretations of his art and activities in Czechoslovakia (1934–1938). Kokoschka's public role as an outspoken advocate for human rights, his pursuit of democracy through educational reform (the Volkshochschule movement), and his role as a critic of fascist governments are related to his less understood, but elaborate, network of supporters, friends and family within and beyond the borders of the Republic.

Václav Havel in Contemporary History

20 Mar 2012

Working Conference at the Headquarters of the ASCR
The figure of Václav Havel as a publically engaged intellectual was the subject of a conference held by the Institute for Contemporary History (ÚSD) of the ASCR on Monday, 19 March 2012 at the Headquarters of the ASCR in Prague. It was attended by a number of historians and other experts from the ASCR as well as from other institutions. According to the director of the ÚSD, ASCR, PhDr. Oldřich Tůma, PhD., two main reasons led to the organisation of the conference – the motif of the symbolic farewell to Václav Havel and venerating his memory and then on the working level an attempt for an objective and unbiased formulation or at least a preliminary definition of the ground plan of what V. Havel means for Czech society and its history.

Conference Career horizons: Academic trajectories and early stage researchers

1 Dec 2010

December 7, 2010 - In the Czech context the debate on the early stage phase of academic careers is limited to high numbers of uncompleted doctorates and low financial appraisal. The aim of the workshop is to open the debate more broadly. We are interested in exploring and discussing the relationship between academic positions of early stage researchers, their career prospects and changing institutional contexts of knowledge production.

Theory and method in archaeology of the Neolithic

9 Jun 2010

26th -27th October 2010 - Meeting of researchers interested in the Neolithic of Central Europe. The seminar will be focused on the main topics such as the role of material culture and its appropriate method of analysis, land use and environment, new scientific methods of qualitative analyses of materials and sediments.

Consequences of being rich: wealth and population are key drivers of invasive species in Europe

10 Jun 2010


A new study of biological invasions in Europe found they were linked not so much to changes in climate or land cover, but to two dominant factors – more money and more people. Wealth and population density, along with an increase in international trade and commerce, were the forces most strongly associated with invasive species that can disrupt ecosystems and cause severe ecological or agricultural damage, scientists said.

