Molecular mechanisms of association of a novel type of transposase with repetitive palindromic elements

Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation

Principal investigator: Bohdan Schneider (Institute of Biotechnology AS CR, v. v. i.)

Co-principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc.

From: 2012-01-03

To: 2014-12-31

In this project, we plan to elucidate the molecular mechanism of recognition between novel tyrosine transposases from the IS200/IS605 family (RAYT), and single stranded DNA (ssDNA). RAYT from E. coli and X. campestris bind specific ssDNA sequences in tandem and cut them, producing a transposable element which may be incorporated in the prokaryotic genome. To advance the understanding this complex protein/DNA recognition process, we will combine thermodynamic and kinetic studies via Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) sensors with crystallographic structural analysis. Complementary energetic and structural views of the interaction will reveal the role of dynamics and plasticity of residues at the interface and of the solvation shell. A comprehensive biophysical characterization of non/binding ssDNA sequences is expected to elucidate the role of kinetically trapped, distinct (but marginally stable) states in the process of recognition. The knowledge generated in this project will enable us to draw biologically significant parallels between the ssDNA and RNA behaviour.






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