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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Projects in Operational Programs

The Institute of Physics has submitted the following projects in Operational Programs financed from the Structural Funds of European Union.

OP Research and Development for Inovations

ELI Beamlines

Extreme Light Infrastructure

Contact person: Bedřich Rus
E-mail: rus@fzu.cz

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High average-power pulsed LASErs

Contact person: Tomáš Mocek
E-mail: mocek@fzu.cz

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Centre for innovation and technology transfer

Contact person: Aleš Hála
E-mail: Ales.Hala@eli-beams.eu

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OP Prague - Competitiveness


Center for Analysis of Functional Materials

Contact person: Ján Lančok
E-mail: lancok@fzu.cz

OP Education for Competitiveness

OP EC 1: Research and Development of femtosecond Laser Systems and Advanced Optical Technologies
OP EC 2: Research and Development of New Ways of Radiation Generation and Charged Particle production by Ultra-Intense Laser Fields
OP EC 3: Development and applications of high intensity laser driven X-ray pulses and proton beams
OP EC 4: Strengthening capacity of research teams in the field of physical sciences

Contact person: Roman Hvězda
E-mail: hvezda@fzu.cz

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