
Jarní exkurze do světa vědy 2014

Academic bulletin


Movies from world of sciences



Open letter to the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy

His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in the Czech Republic, Mr. Pasquale D´Avino
Your Excellency, we address You with following open letter, concerning our official position towards recent decision of Judicial Court in l´Aquilla. This open letter shall be published on the webpage of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on Friday, 26th of October 2012. We, as representatives of the geoscientific institutes within the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, wish to formally object to Your Excellency with regard to the unprecedented sentences passed against seven members of the National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risks, who assessed the probability of a large earthquake in the area of L’Aquila in 2009.  

The research undertaken by a number of geoscientific institutes within the Czech Republic includes studies of the processes associated with earthquake activity. It is simply not possible, given that which is presently known about earthquake processes, to predict seismic events days or months in advance. This subject represents a major field of research for many seismologists across the globe and, while some initial progress has been made, we as a community remain far from being able to predict individual events. 
All seismologists working in seismically active regions are under great pressure from both the public and the media to comment on the actual seismic situation. This pressure creates a situation in which it is difficult to conduct fundamental basic research as scientists are not given the time needed for rigorous detailed studies. It is a situation that has just been made far more challenging as a result of the nonsensical sentences passed by the Italian court in L’Aquila. The potential threat of manslaughter charges for failing to predict earthquakes events does not enable the fundamental research to be conducted properly and it is only this that will, ultimately, increase safety and protect the millions of people living within seismically active regions.
We therefore wish to formally protest against the sentences given to Franco Barberi Enzo Boschi, Giulio Selvaggi, Gian Michele Calvi, Claudio Eva, Mauro Dolce, and Bernardo De Bernardinis.
Yours sincerely,
                                               Dr. Josef Stemberk,
                                               director of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics,
                                               Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
on behalf of the directors of the geoscientific institutes within the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic:
Dr. Pavel Hejda                     Institute of Geophysics
Prof. Pavel Bosák                  Institute of Geology
Dr. Josef Stemberk                 Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics
In Prague, October 24, 2012


26 Oct 2012