Authors: Hraba, Joseph, Allan McCutcheon, Jiří Večerník
The economic experiences and economic anxiety of rural and urban residents of the Czech and Slovak Republics during the postcommunist reforms are compared and related to their support for the reforms. The analysis is based on five national surveys, 1992–1996, collected by t...
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Head of department: Mgr. Nela Hesová
The department focuses on research into the connections between territorially specific factors — local and regional — and processes of social change, including the formation and functioning of socio-spatial configurations, institutional structures, civic participation and the for...
Head of department: Mgr. Josef Bernard, Ph.D.
Authors: Šimon, Martin
Téma odchodu z města na venkov je nejen námětem filmových či románových příběhů, ale je také předmětem geografického výzkumu. Předložený text si klade za cíl ukázat, kteří lidé nejčastěji odcházejí z města na venkov a jaké k tomu mají důvody. Na příkladech analýzy vyprá...
Authors: Loquenz, Jan, Martin, Šimon
This paper seeks to introduce readers to a recent trend in migration research. Amenity migration is an emerging concept that focuses on ‘better-environment-seeking’ migration. Firstly, we discuss the basis of amenity migration, its primary driving forces and its...
Authors: Vašát, Petr
The article studies homelessness in the city of Pilsen, but instead of the traditional perspective, which works with the common definition of a ‘homeless person’, it introduces and defines the relational concept of the poorest class. The advantages of this class conce...
Authors: Vobecká, Jana, Martin Šimon
This chapter examines the political impact of suburbanisation in the district of Praha-Kolovraty. The study discusses the demographic changes, political behaviour and civic participation, especially the participation of people who have newly moved into the neighbourhood.
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Michal Illner, Tomáš Kostelecký
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision maki...
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Jana Vobecká
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision maki...
Authors: Šustrová, Klára, Šimon, Martin
Changing life-style patterns in urban and rural environment has been a perennial topic in social science research. The differences between urban and rural gained different meaning and different significance today then they has had during industrial urbanization characterized with...
Authors: Bernard, Josef, Tomáš Kostelecký
The book concerns the functioning of local governments in rural municipalities in the Czech Republic and their possibilities to impact local development. The authors describe formal and informal features of local governments in rural municipalities, their agenda and decision maki...
Authors: Ouředníček, Martin, Novák, Jakub, Šimon, Martin
V posledních dvou desetiletích dochází k významné proměně migračních preferencí i migračního chování obyvatelstva v Česku. Tato tendence je ovlivňována postsocialistickou transformací i demografickými, ekonomickými a technologickými změnami uplatňujícími se v Evropě. Příspěvek př...
29. 1. 2014
Jaké potřeby nám město uspokojuje a jaké frustruje? Jak ovlivňuje naše zdraví? Jak je možné o naše město pečovat?
Authors: Lux, Martin, Kostelecký, Tomáš, Mikeszová, Martina, Sunega, Petr
This article deals first with the relative affordability of owner-occupied housing in Prague compared to the situation in the Czech Republic in general. The relative position of Prague in this region is then assessed in a cross-national comparison and determined to be specific. T...
14. 11. 2013
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., si Vás dovoluje pozvat na čtvrteční seminář, kde vystoupí PETR GIBAS s přednáškou