JME Alumni
The Joint Masters program was launched in 2008. All JME graduates currently pursue the PhD degree at CERGE-EI. Here are testimonials by some of them.
“For me, the Joint Masters program was a great opportunity to experience the best from both CERGE-EI and IES FSV UK. I soon decided that I wanted to come back to CERGE-EI for the PhD program, benefiting from the possibility to be admitted directly to the second year. If you are interested in theoretical economics more than in business and finance, there are practically no reasons why not to try. Going to CERGE-EI right after a bachelor program and without the standard preparatory semester may feel a bit scary at first, but if you have a solid background, you will manage. The transition between the two schools is easy, and you will soon realize that the hard work is worth it. I would recommend the Joint Masters to everyone who wants to obtain a world-quality education in economics, and especially for those heading for an academic career or for a career in international organizations.”
Jana Cahlíková
“Joint Masters Program at CERGE-EI blends the advantages of American universities and Czech domestic environment. Certainly you will receive here the best econometrics in the country and will be taught by some of its best economists. In exchange you may need to work somewhat harder than you were probably used to.”
Ján Palguta
JME graduates have same career prospects as other Master-level graduates from CERGE-EI. Students who graduate with the PhD from CERGE-EI frequently fill posts at universities as well as in international organizations in Western Europe and the US.
JME Contact
For details and assistance on applying to the JME program, please contact
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T: +420 224 005 161