Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute


Alan Brown

Senior Advisor, Schroders Investment Management, Ltd.

Alan Brown

Alan Brown is Senior Advisor to Schroders Investment Management. He joined Schroders in 2005 and served as Chief Investment Officer and on the Board of Directors until 2012. Between 1974 and 1995 he worked for Morgan Grenfell, Posthorn Global Asset Management and PanAgora Asset Management before joining State Street Global Advisors, where he became Chief Investment Officer and Vice Chairman, and Executive Vice President of State Street Corporation.

Among other positions, he is a trustee of the Carbon Disclosure Project, a non-executive director of Pool Reinsurance Company Limited, a Member of the MSCI Barra Editorial Advisory Board, a member of the Board of the Investment Management Association (IMA) and an IMA alternate member of the Takeover Panel. Alan was also Chairman of the CFA Institute Advisory Council for Advocacy from September 2007 until August 2010.

Alan has a BA and MA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge. He is married with four children and four grand children (so far!).

Alan Brown on CERGE-EI
“Every year I visit CERGE-EI in Prague and meet the students. Seeing these talented and committed young men and women investing hard in their education is an inspiration. They work to the highest of standards and they come from countries often desperately in need of well trained economists. The influence these well-trained graduates then bring to their home countries' economic futures cannot be underestimated.”