
Jarní exkurze do světa vědy 2014

Academic bulletin


Movies from world of sciences



prof. Ing. Jiří Hanika, DrSc.


hanika.jpgProf. Jiří Hanika is a member of staff of the Department of Separation Processes of the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic since 2004 year. In the period 2004–2012 he was director of the ICPF AS CR. He is also Professor at the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague since 1997. He received his M.Sc. and PhD. degrees in Organic technology from the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague in 1966 and 1972. In years 1985–1989 he was appointed vice-dean and in years 1990–1991 dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology ICT Prague.
His research interests have focused on the design, control and operation of multiphase chemical reactors, heterogeneous catalysis, pharmaceutical engineering, organic technology and petro-chemistry. He is the author or co-author of more than 150 original papers published in peer-reviewed journals and 28 patents, mostly from the area of. His work was cited more than 300 times (SCI).
He is a member of Scientific Boards of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Environment Protection Technology of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Scientific Board of the Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University, Zlín.
Professor Hanika was awarded by Ferdinand Schulz Medal from Faculty of Environment Protection Technology of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, by Honorary Medals of the Slovak Chemical Society and by the rector of the University Pardubice. He is a member of editorial boards of five renowned chemistry journals Chemické listy, Chemical Papers, Hemijska industrija, Chemical Industry, Chemical Engineering and Technology Quarterly.
Prof. Hanika has been a partner in many research projects teams both in CR (UNIPETROL, a.s., VÚANCH, a.s., ZENTIVA, a.s.) and abroad on the theme – Investigation of design and operation of trickle bed reactors (DSM Research Geleen, CNRS Nancy, CPERI Thessaloniki, University Halle-Wittenberg, TU Dresden, GHM Dortmund, Politecnico di Torino, Suzer ChemTech Winterthur, Akzo Nobel, Solvay Brussels, University of Waterloo,Bio/Chemtek CSIR Modderfontein, Institut Kataliza RAV Novosibirsk)



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