In their free time, once or more a week, 70 % of people read magazines, 49 % listen to musical recordings, 47 % are involved in a hobby, 45 % meet friends, acquaintances or neighbours, 43 % read books, 34 % are engaged in sporting activities or exercise, 27 % attempt to increase their language or professional skills, 23 % set out on trips to the countryside, 21 % visit wine bars, cafes or restaurants. Then at least once a month, 25 % of citizens pop in to a public library, 21 % to the cinema and 10 % to the theatre or concerts of popular music. 44% respondents visit a gallery or an exhibition of fine art at least once a year, 30 % a classical music concert.
What Do We Do in Our Free Time?
Jan Červenka Monday, 26 April 2004