Open Positions
Ph.D. position in Dr. Petr Cígler groupThe research will be conducted in Synthetic Nanochemistry Research Group in the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, AS CR, v.v.i. (supervisor: Mgr. Petr Cígler, Ph.D.). Ph.D. thesis topic: Modular surface architectures on diamond particles Fluorescent nanodiamonds are biocompatible nanoparticles with almost unlimited photostable fluorescence. The nanoparticles are widely used in biomedicine and diagnostics and they represent a new platform for the construction of nanosensors and biosensors. Various direct surface modifications have been described recently, however, the surface chemistry and the construction of sophisticated molecular structures on a nanodiamond surface are only currently developing. The thesis will be focused on the preparation and physical-chemical study of new nanoparticles based on fluorescent nanodiamonds. Mainly, the following topics will be addressed: