Předkládaný projekt si klade za cíl zmapovat situaci neprovdaných matek po roce 1989 s důrazem na sociální a regionální aspekt problematiky a navrhnout a zhodnotit případné nástroje sociální politiky na základě zahraničních zkušeností. Doplní tak demografické práce, které upozorňují na to, že se v českém případě nemanželská plodnost kumuluje mezi mladými ženami s nízkým a velmi nízkým vzděláním
Po roce 1989 v české společnosti vzrostly podíly neúplných rodin, ale především se prudce zvýšily počty svobodných matek a v současné době se rodí přibližně 30 % dětí neprovdaným ženám. I když porození dítěte neprovdanou ženou nemusí samo o sobě vypovídat o sociální marginalizaci, v mnoha případech tomu tak je. O typu a relativní rizikovosti svobodného mateřství vypovídají dva faktory: 1) jaké je typické sociální postavení neprovdaných matek; 2) kolik z neprovdaných matek žije v de fakto manželstvích.
Navrhovaný projekt počítá s uskutečněním empirického výzkumu, jehož cílem je zjistit, zda otcové dětí neprovdaných matek obvykle žijí ve stejné domácnosti a nakolik lze nárůst mimomanželské plodnosti vysvětlit rostoucí popularitou nesezdaných soužití. Výzkum se bude rovněž zaměřovat na otázku, zda a v jaké formě se muži zapojují do výchovy dětí a umožní srovnání rodin manželských a ostatních domácností s dětmi. Tímto způsobem se získá jedinečná informace o tom, jaký podíl mimomanželské plodnosti představují svobodné matky v tradičním smyslu slova, jaký je podíl neprovdaných matek žijících ve faktických manželstvích a jaká je sociální situace neprovdaných matek.
Project publications (total 36, displaying 1 - 10)
The article describes character of activities and thematic areas of Czech non-profit organizations that focus on promoting gender equality and women’s rights in 1990s. Beside the women’s organizations the attention is paid to identify the other projects aimed at supporting women or gender equality, but addressed by non-profit organizations whose main object of activity is broader.
The book concentrates on the non-marital fertility in the Czech Republic since 1989. After the description of demographic development, chapters ask following questions. What are attitudes towards out-of-wedlock childbearing? To what extend live unmarried mothers alone? What is their motivation to get married or to stay unmarried? Who can profit from being unmarried mother? Do single mothers have enough incentives to work? How spending patterns of two-parent and single-parent families differ?
The chapter is focused on changes in mortality of elder people in Czech Republic.
The aim of this study is to outline main perspectives of current research and theorizing on housework. In the first part the reasons of problematic status of housework in modern society are investigated. In the second part economic and social-constructionist approaches to the explanation of the division of housework are distinguished. The first approach focus on economic rationality and comparison of resources, the second focus on gender ideology and confirmation of gender identity.
The aim of this paper is to compare the division of housework and the perceptions of its fairness in seven European countries based on data from ISSP 2002. The main focus is given on the relation of the perceived fairness of the proportional share of housework and time investments into housework and particularly to differences according to the character of involvement into economic activity of both partners.
The book concentrates on the non-marital fertility in the Czech Republic since 1989. After the description of demographic development, chapters ask following questions. What are attitudes towards out-of-wedlock childbearing? To what extend live unmarried mothers alone? What is their motivation to get married or to stay unmarried? Who can profit from being unmarried mother? Do single mothers have enough incentives to work? How spending patterns of two-parent and single-parent families differ?
In the traditional society trust used to be rooted in the family background, it formed a part of private sphere. In the opposite the modern democratic society requests from people not only trust to family member, but also another type of trust in other unknown people, as citizens and even type of impersonal trust, for example to state institutions. How are these different types of trust connected? Do they support one another or do they go against each other?
The chapter analyzes labor market in retirement and pre-retirement age and compares the periods 1995-1997 and 1998-2000. Results indicate that the period of economic recession after 1997 witnessed earlier exists from work to retirement even though the mandatory retirement age was growing.
The book concentrates on the non-marital fertility in the Czech Republic since 1989. After the description of demographic development, chapters ask following questions. What are attitudes towards out-of-wedlock childbearing? To what extend live unmarried mothers alone? What is their motivation to get married or to stay unmarried? Who can profit from being unmarried mother? Do single mothers have enough incentives to work? How spending patterns of two-parent and single-parent families differ?