Výbor Sdružení historiků České republiky (Historického klubu 1872) a výbor Pekařovy společnosti Českého ráje vyhlašují třináctý ročník soutěže o Cenu Josefa Pekaře, v níž chtějí každoročně oceňovat nejlepší monografii z českých dějin v chronologickém záběru od středověku do současnosti. Text vyhlášení a status soutěže zde.
The Prague conference on 29–30 October aims to bring together scholars who specialize in the history of the Jews of Poland and/or the Bohemian Lands, in order to discuss shared topics, the current state of research, and the differences and similarities in their approaches and results. Conference Announcement and Call for Papers.
The first volume of the
Czech Journal of Contemporary History is fully accessible
Dear readers,
Welcome to the first volume of the new English-written journal published by the Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The main objective of the Czech Journal of Contemporary History (CJCH) is to publish articles and essays as well as important reports and book reviews that have been, in most cases, previously published in Czech in the journal Soudobé dějiny. The aim of the CJCH is to make these contributions available to English-speaking readers interested in contemporary Czech or Central European history and thereby strengthen and promote international academic discussion.
The Editorial Circle of the CJCH
*Note: To print any part of the CJCH, it is necessary to add +2 to the relevant page numbers. This difference is caused by the fact that the first and second page of the cover are not numbered.
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