Institute of Computer Science
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 07 Praha 8
(show map)

Phone (+420) 266 052 083
Fax: (+420 ) 286 585 789

IČO: 67985807
DIČ: CZ67985807


"The problems of the real world are primarily those you are left with when you refuse to apply their effective solutions."

- E. W. Dijkstra

Events, conferences, seminars

    MEDARD - weather report

    Weather report and air quality report for Europe and Czech republic. Project of ICS since 2002.


    Jan Flusser: Počítačová analýza poškozených digitálních snímků, 22. května 2014 v 16 hod., Posluchárna S5, MFF UK Malostranské nám. 25, Praha 1

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    Milan Paluš: Climate cycles responsible for 1-2 degrees Celsius temperature variability

    In a recent study of long-term records of air temperature from various European locations, M. Palus from the ICS AS CR has uncovered a causal relation between the phase of slow irregular oscillations.

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    AVAST Fellowships in machine learning and data science - ONE POSITION STILL OPEN!!!

    Two one-year fellowships for outstanding and enthusiastic researchers, PhD holders, from all over the world, open to cooperation with some of the scientific teams of the ICS and with AVAST specialists. One of the positions has been filled, the second still open.

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    Ocenění pro prof. Strakoše -- Medaile B. Bolzana a SIAM Fellowship

    Prof. Strakoš obdržel čestnou oborovou medaili AV ČR Bernarda Bolzana za zásluhy v matematických vědách a SIAM Fellowship 2014.

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    Den otevřených dveří

    Podívejte se na krátkou videoupoutávku a přednášky, které během Dne otevřených dveří (12. a 13. listopadu) zazněly.

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